Potentially the longest thread in history...

What the feck, how do you old people survive ?

When I get a job, i'll be earning £250 a week. By the time i've paid tax, board to my parents, and fuel, i've lost £150 of that. Thats just £100 left, which is great for me, but i have nothing to pay for.. if I needed food, eleccy, gas, housing, i'd die :(
Ha, and here comes the I told ya so lol. That is why I said kids who stay with their parents have it made.
Re: Today I have...

A lot of games from the old DOS days just don't work right on anything newer than xp, heck a lot still took some tricks to get to work in XP.

I actually have a 98 box in the closet with some old games on it that I enjoyed playing, I usually bring it out once in awhile to play those older games that refuse to run in any sort of VM or newer os.
Anything that old works perfect in DOSBox. I only keep the 98 box around for Voodoo and SB Live enhanced games.
Ha, and here comes the I told ya so lol. That is why I said kids who stay with their parents have it made.

I was expecting that comment :D

I will be paying my parents £50/$80 a week. So i know that isn't loads, I probably consume £30 of that on food. £20 for water gas and elecy is probably right.. maybe even more. I just get free accomodation I guess.

My cousin is 24, living at home, earning £500 a week, and only pays £25 a week so.. i'm not that bad :angel:

Yeah but if you needed that stuff, your student loan would be a lot bigger too (or you'd have a full-time job).

When i get that Job i won't have that loan, and it will be a full time job ! ~37hours x £7 an hour (Thats not even minimum wage) = 250ish.

Anyway the job front takes the ****, jobs just a few £'s over minimum wage working in Telephone IT support are demanding a relevent BSc Degree, wow, the world has gone ****ing crazy.
Re: Today I have...

What about Warcraft orcs and humans? -.- That game actually depends upon processor speed greatly... xD Nothing like dieing before you can look.
Yeah I pay £50 a week rent too, with the proviso that I can get some of it back near the end of term if I need to.
Lol, just under £100 a week here (still living with the parents) plus a £37 monthly contribution to the gas/elec/water bills. Suppose I have a full time job tho lol
Lol, just under £100 a week here (still living with the parents) plus a £37 monthly contribution to the gas/elec/water bills. Suppose I have a full time job tho lol

How much do you earn, though ? My parents base it off what i earn. The more i get in the future, the more they will take off me.
It started soon after I turned 16, didn't even have a job. Had to get govt handouts, which came only if you were enrolled in full time study or were actively seeking a job in an approved venue. Wasn't much, only ~$250 a fortnight IIRC, but yeah all that went to the parents to pay for rent. Lol, good tiems :D

I was in college from 15-17, so got the money then easy enough. But after I finished it took me about 3 months to find a job, had to go to a job center to look for work. That. Sucked. lol
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