Potentially the longest thread in history...

Re: Today I have...

Meh... not a fan of muscle cars. I like my european cars and japanese cars.


Or if i was particularly rich


Yessssssssssssssss :D
I'm a huge car fan so I like every kind of car really.....besides ricers. Now, what I mean by ricer is that stupid Honda Civic hatch with rims, a fart cannon, neon lights under frame, a cold air intake, and a douchebag behind the wheel. I HATE those kinds.

oh god do guys ever STOP TALKING ABOUT CARS!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????????????
Actually, we did, for quite a few pages.

They're quite nice, actually.

There is one car i would die for, i think it's amazing.


Though i guess dieing to receive a car has little logical sense seeing as i would never be able to appreciate it.

People that don't like talking about cars.. well thats just your problem ;) I don't really understand how you can't be interested. You have to use them every day and your livelihood depends on them, and they cost a fortune to buy, look after and run.

Everyone secretly cares about cars. If i suddenly swapped Souls car for this, i think he'd care:

The AC Cobra is my favorite car of all time.

that just means you don't have one of these, HeHeHe.
I lold hard at this.

Here is my ride. Always waiting on parts to do stuff with my car, but the parts I'm getting will raise my back end to be level again.

Did you download flash from adobe or did a box just pop up saying flash update available? I just get flash through firefox's plugin finder and no chrome issues. However I already have chrome installed at my own choice. That is anti competitive just like back in the day when microsoft force fed us IE and there was no option to actually remove it and not use it in some scenarios.
Every time I do a fresh format I always install Firefox last, go to install ABP, then go to the Adobe site and download flash.
For me Firefox is the first thing I get after a fresh install. I sort of like chrome now bu I have some extensions for things like speed dial like opera's speed dial.

The internet explorer on my laptop actually just welcomed me to internet explorer 9 the other day and I haven't formatted that in over a year now lol
Well while I'm installing drivers and other programs I don't have the need for the internet so that's why FF is always last. I like to make sure I get the very latest Flash so I just go to their website. Still can't believe they are trying to force Chrome on people SMH.
I haven't formatted any of my rigs is a very long time. I just find it too much of a pain in the arse to get all those drivers and programs back the way they were. I mean my main rig boots up pretty slow now but other than that works normal. I've changed so much hardware in this computer over the years too all with the same windows install. One of my goals this summer actually was to format my rig and start with a fresh install of windows to prepare to go back to college but with all the problems I have had hardware wise this summer my rig was out of commission for most of it.

My control panel s kind of a mess what with all the hardware switching. Over the summer my 8600gts got fried by my messed up psu so I switched to the onboard gfx which put an intel icon in the control panel then when I got the card I have now both other drivers stuck around. Does windows get rid of drivers it no longer needs or does it just leave them there but not use them?
Re: Today I have...

I don't really like ricers either. Well, it depends i suppose. If its the kind you see on Fast and Furious, they're cool because they're great cars to begin with, actually do have better performance, and are drove by pro's.

But when they look like this:

I cant stand it.
Re: Today I have...

oh god do guys ever STOP TALKING ABOUT CARS!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????????????

Sorry I think it was me that started it.:grin:

I hate car talk with a passion, srsly I don't CARE if you wanna get excited over the way they've painted a bit of metal so it's shiny :p I know you could talk for days about why it's definitely a good thing if your car can go zero to two thousand mph in 1.21 nanoseconds. But AAAAUUUUGGGGGHHHHH
Oh great. Another thing for you to not like about me.;):grin: I don't know that much about cars but enjoy talking about them.

And we do have an automotive forum on here and even a "Post Your Ride" thread.:omg: Maybe we should move the cartalk over there.

that just means you don't have one of these, HeHeHe.

Should put the specs in your sig ;)

You were saying that to Slaymate right?:wink::wink::grin:
I haven't formatted any of my rigs is a very long time. I just find it too much of a pain in the arse to get all those drivers and programs back the way they were. I mean my main rig boots up pretty slow now but other than that works normal. I've changed so much hardware in this computer over the years too all with the same windows install. One of my goals this summer actually was to format my rig and start with a fresh install of windows to prepare to go back to college but with all the problems I have had hardware wise this summer my rig was out of commission for most of it.

My control panel s kind of a mess what with all the hardware switching. Over the summer my 8600gts got fried by my messed up psu so I switched to the onboard gfx which put an intel icon in the control panel then when I got the card I have now both other drivers stuck around. Does windows get rid of drivers it no longer needs or does it just leave them there but not use them?

I use Belarc Advisor to print out my serials as well as a complete list of installed software. I then back up all my documents and files and ferret out any and all profiles for all the programs that I can find (plus passwords and such). I used to download all my software ahead of time but not any more; I will download my drivers beforehand so as to have the latest and on hand, but the rest I will download as I need/want them (just because I have it on my rig now does not mean I will want it when I format and reinstall).
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