Potentially the longest thread in history...

She's just talking about enterprise class computing hardware.

yep and that would be the only way he would have that 1TB of RAM

If you are trying to confuse us all with your apparent proficiency in that realm of computing, you are succeeding. But then you could be ********ting and i couldn't spot the difference.

When i say all, i mean me. I am sure a lot of people on here understand what a F5 Load balancer and vsphere is. The most i ever used VMWare for was to run OS X to upgrade my iphone software.

Ha ha! I got my mom to get the general gist of virtualization and her mind was blown!!!!

Nice solution.

Re: Today I have...

lolwut, that makes no sense. First, how would they know, and the actual first, which is why do they think it has anything to do with them?
Yea, my point exactly. All I heard and processed was "I want to kick you guys out because I'm a greedy ***** and this is the only excuse I came up with on the 4 hour trip here".
Re: Today I have...

I do reinstall it on demand occasionally when something requires it, though I haven't done so in ages.
Re: Today I have...

but still having the hosts file is good also becuase other net connected apps you don't want to have access to the net would not work LOL. plus ABP doesn't catch eveything.
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