Potentially the longest thread in history...

Learning full barre chords is a *****...

I have all the strings vibrating, but it still buzzes. D:


EDIT: Any reason Facebook is showing me profile picture updates from someone who hasn't accepted my friend request yet? >_>
Re: Today I have...

Nothing will get you off the computer quicker then a tornado warning when you didn't even think it was storming at all. I loaded up the radar loop (which scared me a little) and then started grabbing flashlights and filling 2-liter bottles with water as fast as I could. I don't think any tornadoes actually touched down but there was some strong rotation a county away from us.
Re: Today I have...

Yumm, Fried RemixedCat on ice :p

Today, it was too hot to do anything, worked in the garden some, and still working on my poor engine praying I can save it :(
Re: Today I have...

Spent all day today and yesterday running new coaxial cables for cable and internet. Most was ran through the attic, which SUCKED!!!
Re: Today I have...

Just been to the tip to dump a load of crap out of the garage.

Bidded on a tester package of pellets. 8 different brands, 10 of each. Paid £2 then realised the guy had another set on BIN for £1.95. Fml. Also bought 100 Crosman Ultra Magnums tester pack for £2.50.

Might go play some dirt3 on the 1080p projector :D
I hate you =(

So today was like the worst day ever. Last night I worked 9pm to 2am and got home and went to sleep around 5:30am. I got a call and it was the district manager asking if I could come to work at 10am. It was 9:45 :| I tell him yea probably not (didn't wanna go in before I went in). He asked if I could then come in at noon and he would pay me as if I was there from 10....... :| Fine. So now I had to work 12 to 9pm. No big deal right? Get there and I'm supposed to be door person. He said all I had to do was greet people and seat them. Turns out, Sr Vice President of the DFW area was there, he (dstr mgr), 4 waitresses, and another cook was there to be a door person. I walk in and was like why the **** am I here? Next thing I know I'm doing maids work just to "look busy" for the VP. Well everyone gets out and starts going home and now it's my floor and I'm the only cook. I start making food for my first call in. Apparently, it wasnt good enough and the DM comes up and all of a sudden starts recooking my order. He then asks them if they want the extra food on top, or to just throw my stuff away. Pretty ****ing embarrassing, and even the customers where confused. Later on I'm making eggs and my pans keep sticking cause they didn't season them right. I wound up screwing up 6 different orders and wore an omelet from my face to my knees. Cause my manager didn't teach me everything about preping on 2nd I didn't know how to do alot of things. It took me all 7 hours just to do a 2 hour job basically. That isn't everything but I'm tired of typing and it's Dirt3 time. Oh yea, when I woke up my mom and sister where telling me how our tire was flat, so that started the day off.
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