Potentially the longest thread in history...

Re: Today I have...

Made a new windows live/xbox live account, however it works. I made one when I got DiRT2 but it was only an offline account. Made a new one so hopefully it's an online account now. I don't have an Xbox, it's only so I can play games for Window's Live. WHAT A HORRID PROCESS!!!!!! Takes forever to even figure out where to go to make one, then you have to verify the windows live e-mail, then deal with the whole sign up.

What's with the character avatar crap? You can't have a plain picture like before? Now it looks like a flash game you would find on a kids website... All this to play DiRT3.

Games for Windows Live is horrible. I haven't even been able to play the copy of Dirt 2 i bought thanks to that software. It wants to update GFWL when I start the game yet the update process fails every single time.

If developers want to force software like that on us at least use Steam. I'm not the biggest fan of it either but at least it consistently and reliably works unlike Games for Windows live.
Re: Today I have...

I'm back to high speed computing :thumbsup:

I'm surprised at how fast my internet is compared to my ancient P4, the data stream may not be any faster but the system is handling it much better.

Is it really that surprising ?

Browsing on my iPad2 using the same connection as my PC and Mac is a totally different experience. iPad2 is several times slower I'd say.


just out of interest i decided to test browser speed difference between my imac and pc. Both using FireFox4, i cleared cache,cookies, history etc and restarted my PC and closed all other apps. There wasn't a lot in it, but imac won every time by half a second or so. That's not right, surely ? i7 sandy bridge vs i5 sandy bridge. 8gb ram v 4gb ram. GTX470 v AMD 6750. SSD v HDD. Wired ethernet v Wireless.

PC Took 57.6 seconds to stream a youtube video. iMac took 54.1 seconds :cry:

It was a cool video though :D

Today was my last day at college ever. 12 Years of education and it finally ended today. Last lesson was chilled with some cake, nice drinks, sweets music and stuff. Nice way to end.
Re: Today I have...

Made a new windows live/xbox live account, however it works. I made one when I got DiRT2 but it was only an offline account. Made a new one so hopefully it's an online account now. I don't have an Xbox, it's only so I can play games for Window's Live. WHAT A HORRID PROCESS!!!!!! Takes forever to even figure out where to go to make one, then you have to verify the windows live e-mail, then deal with the whole sign up.

What's with the character avatar crap? You can't have a plain picture like before? Now it looks like a flash game you would find on a kids website... All this to play DiRT3.
I accidentally Dirt3. Thanks to you I am now getting it =D
Re: Today I have...

Only me that thinks DIRT3 is junk ? Gymkhana looked cool. They ruined it. It's some super assisted **** that a 5 year old could do. So i tried rally. The cars handle like they have preheated slicks on F1 circuit and weigh about 500kg. The graphics look totally meh too. They somehow managed to make some really really sweet cars look like a child's toy as well.
Re: Today I have...

I hope you're just trolling. I was hoping for Dirt 2 without cheesy voice crap and better graphics.

Not trolling.

I'm much more a sim racer than an arcade racer though. It either has to be totally obviously arcade, like Sega Rally, or Wipeout, or Simulation like GT5, Forza, iRacing and Rfactor.
Dirt3 doesn't really fit any category. Another issue with it is once your sliding to far round, it seems really hard to pull it back. I only played it for 10 minutes because it annoyed me so much.

I'm going to give it another shot now, and stay open minded.


Okay not sure where i got the bad graphics from. Just took a bowler across Kenya, and the graphics are fantastic. Lowering the default gamma as well helped it look a lot better, far to washed out to start with (Oddly i can't find a direct brightness option). It was pretty fun. Still arcadey, but better than i originally thought.

Another edit. Just did a night rally on the Peninsula Run track in Michigan. I had the idea of turning off stability control. Wow, thats so much better. Car is actually a little more challenging to drive. And those headlights, just like Dirt 2, look great. Codemasters do the best looking car headlight beams lol. Yeh, was good anyway. Not sure i agree with them making the track so unrealistically wide but meh. Car engines sound good if you crank the sound up too.

Starting to like this game now, as an arcade racer.


Dont try and enable 16xCSAA with the latest nvidia beta drivers. Screws the game up.. had to change down to 8x MSAA in config.
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