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Re: Today I have...

^ya like every now and then gaming like that is fine, but like everyday, just that's all you do? game for like 10+ hours? what kind of life is that.
Re: Today I have...

The life I used to have when I had 4 FF games to play and beat in one summer. That was back during school and no, I had no life then. When I finally got a job is when I stopped playing so many games.
Re: Today I have...

I lost interest in games becuase I've played so many I've became numb to the feelings given by games. and not even the scariest game will phase me now. I've pretty much played all the games I wanted to.

One good part of it all though I don't need to upgrade my pc as much now and I can use my money for different things.

Thing is my lil bro lives with mum and my older bro in the middle of nowhere (at least they have dsl) and they are about 40 minutes away from a wal-mart kinda middle of nowhere and they have a half mile driveway and the people they live around are ether old farts, druggies, or crazed hicks. no one really worth going out with or socializing and most of the people my bro knew from school are druggies, got 10 kids, or are moved away to california being broke LOL. This is why my lil bro games all the time. Not much else to do and no one to do it with.
Hikari, it shows G and High E on the second fret, B on the third, and D as an open string. From what I've heard, you're supposed to have your index finger on the G, middle on the E, and ring on the B.

I meant the B string instead of the D string, sorry. But yeah, that's the way I play it.
Re: Today I have...

I used to spend a good ten hours a day just gaming; I don't do that as much now, since I've become bored with most of my games; too many similarities and clichés. Once you've played a dozen FPSs you get annoyed at how similar they are.
When a new game comes out that looks fairly original or unique in some way I tend to play it, for example Dead Rising 2 (slaughtering zombies rarely gets old) or Dead Space 2 (fun and well-executed zero-G environments are something that is very appealing to me).
Re: Today I have...

Sp far I have put on a slow cooker of pinto beans with onions, garlic, and a ham bone I had in the freezer, paid my electricity bill, made a payment to a surgeon, made a payment on my Home Depot account, had a $5 footlong at Subway ($5 for all 12" in February FTW), and did a little shopping at Walmart. I still have some cornbread to make as well as a hashbrown casserole (ala Cracker Barrel's). Our daughter won't be coming out tonight, but our granddaughter is spending the night with us.
Re: Today I have...

we I'mma go watch some anime today, got eat lots of ramen and rice, and mabye go organize mah house.
Re: Today I have...

been lapping my new 2600K :thumbsup:

Re: Today I have...

For a second I thought thats one big coin in that mirror, then it hit me.
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