Potentially the longest thread in history...

Re: Today I have...

my lil bro went through 21 xbox 360's!!! he's done with that. sooo over the x-box. he's gonna get a ps triple.
Re: Today I have...

21? WTF was he doing to them, playing them in the microwave? :s
Re: Today I have...

regular playing for like 10-12 hours a day. not much out of the ordinary, just regular powergaming sessions.

the problems ranged from everything. LOL.
That's what it's all aboot.

Lol, that was funny.

Hikari, it shows G and High E on the second fret, B on the third, and D as an open string. From what I've heard, you're supposed to have your index finger on the G, middle on the E, and ring on the B.
Re: Today I have...

I used to game for ~10 hours a day too. Not all in one hit, usually 6 hours then 2 then 1 or something. And not every day, that was fridays/saturdays/sunday-mornings
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