Potentially the longest thread in history...

lol I see those all of the time. Funny thing is they must not know I am a citizen and my wife already has a green card.

It's Hilary Clinton right?

i thought it was mc cain? cant spell ...

and i have a green card...saving for my citizenship...they raised the prices to 700 now!
Yeah they must not know that I am a citizen either :p I guess it's safe to assume that if you are browsing the net outside of the USA then you are not a citizen but you want to become one.

Last I heard it was a black woman...that banner is such a trick, no wonder no one ever gets their green cards through there.
You mean to say that Oprah is the new president of the US?


Must be true I found it on the interwebs.
Haha, she could definitely buy herself that position if she chose to. The thought of that makes me shiver a little. eeehh..
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