Potentially the longest thread in history...

I think it is still a little glichy as trotter should be green as mak said he gave him reputation points and is still grey, i have only seen about 4 people with green squares. On top of that i can't give anyone reputation, i can only see it to give to myself (which by the way i did not) and its not anywhere to be found on any other users posts....im confused lol.
hmm, i can only give rep to my self too. no options in user CP?
i looked everywhere, in the cp, in user profiles, can't find it anywhere, im amusing that its just a glitch, as i can see mine right by the circle that says im on/off line, and it is not their for other people. Clearly it still needs some work
i looked everywhere, in the cp, in user profiles, can't find it anywhere, im amusing that its just a glitch, as i can see mine right by the circle that says im on/off line, and it is not their for other people. Clearly it still needs some work

yeah dude it just started today...glitches are obvious. we'll get em, have no fear.
yeah there was some talk about a new system to distinguish members, as in who gives good, repeat-worthy advise, and who doesn't, that kind of deal, and in the end a Rep system is the best/easiest way to pursue that right now. but yeah, as all new things it will take a bit of time to get all the kinks worked out.
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