Potentially the longest thread in history...

ha im not made of money.... this is my first high end build. Up until 2007 i was still running an athlon xp 2800+ and 7300GT rofl.

I don't even have the 7300GT, lol.

Even with my tax rebate, I'm only going to be able to afford the x2 7750 upgrades. But it's kinda hard to save up for anything when I have to borrow a few hundred bucks a month from my parents to make ends meet. :\

Besides, I figure I might as well overclock it because I can.

Heister: I live near the airport.
ok, so right under a persons post count there is a little green or grey light and it says for some people "(insert username here) is on a distunguished road" or is at a unknown quantity at this point. what does this mean? mine just says nothing.
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