Postback PHP File


Beta member
9250 Regents Rd
I am making a site where I can reward users for completing surveys on offer walls such as peanut labs or sponsor pay.

They all ask for post back urls but I have no idea what this is.

They give examples but they aren't very good as I can't understand what it means.

I have looked into it for hours but I couldn't find a solution.

Is there anyway you guys can help me? :)

I can provide for info if you need it! :lol:
What's asking for a postback URL?

A post back is just an HTML form "posting" (sending data) to another page, or back to itself. A "post back" is usually a site reloading itself after processing something on the server, and displaying or using new data from the server.
What's asking for a postback URL?

A post back is just an HTML form "posting" (sending data) to another page, or back to itself. A "post back" is usually a site reloading itself after processing something on the server, and displaying or using new data from the server.

The survey walls are asking for a post back URLs to give the credits to.

They need certain variables in the PHP file as listed down below.

5. The Postback

Whenever a user completes an offer, we will send you a url request, called Postback with some information. Using this information, you can reward the user who performed the action accordingly.

The following information will be sent to your postback url:

id = The ID of the conversion in our system
oid = The ID of the offer converted in our system
amount = The amount that your user should receive for this conversion nominated in your currency. For example if your currency name is Points and your Currency Equivalent field is 35 and the conversion worths $1, we will send "35" in this field to you.
currency_name = The currency name that you set in your App's page.
user_id = The id of your user, the one you placed in the iframe integration.
payout = The publisher's revenue for this conversion.
o_name = The name of the offer converted.
sig = A signature to be sure the postback is legit. The signature is composed like this md5(oid + "-" + user_id + "-" + YOUR APP's KEY). You can find yor App's key in the App's detail page.


We expect a "1" (without quotes) as a response to a successfull received postback and a "0" (without quotes) to indicate that the postback was not received correctly. We will try to send the postback up to 5 times if not receiving a "1" as a reply. After that we will send you an email with the data of the conversion so you can process it manually.

That is exactly copied from the site. "OfferToro"
From what I can gather, it's saying that you need to create a PHP page, and it will send those variables to your page via POST. So you'll need to create a PHP page that handles that POST data by either storing it in a database, or handling it whatever way you see fit so that you can keep track of who to reward.
From what I can gather, it's saying that you need to create a PHP page, and it will send those variables to your page via POST. So you'll need to create a PHP page that handles that POST data by either storing it in a database, or handling it whatever way you see fit so that you can keep track of who to reward.

Could you help this make this file?

Or give me some link to some tutorial?

I can't find one..

Thanks! +REP
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