Oculus Rift

I am being serious when I say this, but I think it was a pretty huge mistake for them to block porn on the thing. That could have been a HUGE market for them.

absolutely look what Made VHS, and Blu Ray stick around im pretty sure that's part of the reason HDDVD didnt get backing liek It may have. The 1st VR comapny that allows it will be the one that sticks around

Relax - it's only blocked in the Oculus Home store. Just like you can't buy porn for your PC in the Microsoft Store.

There is absolutely nothing blocking you from watching VR porn bought by 3rd parties. There is already a lot of content out there and VR video players that will work with the Rift day one for VR porn. And yes, VR porn is great. Been there, done that :p

I liked the point comparing the Rift to a top-of-the-line monitor - You can easily spend 500-800$ on a 27" 144hz 1440p monitor. I already have about that much invested in my monitors now. But I tell you - I would never have bought these beasts if I had not seen them in action. I think VR will be a lot like that for me. Until i love what i see, and know that it will work with games I play, it is nowhere near worth 600$ to me. Because of the March release date, I'm thinking this will be a summer consideration. Give it the test of time, read reviews, watch previews and streamers using it, and I will use that information to make a decision.

Smart. I already used DK1 and owned a DK2 and GearVR, so I know that I love it already. The games coming look pretty sweet too.
Relax - it's only blocked in the Oculus store. Just like you can't buy porn for your PC in the Microsoft Store.

There is absolutely nothing blocking you from watching VR porn bought by 3rd parties. There is already a lot of content out there and VR video players that will work with the Rift day one for VR porn. And yes, VR porn is great. Been there, done that :p

I think you may want to switch careers and sell these things full time. :lol:
I think you may want to switch careers and sell these things full time. :lol:

VR is going to make a lot of extremely rich people over the next decade, that is for sure. I'm betting some will be in the porn space too. A lot of the technologies coming soon into the world of VR are not really known that widely, but suffice to say VR porn is going to be unbelievably realistic in the next 2 to 5 years. You have no idea...

Think 16K 3D translation/locomotion enabled live porn.. and by translation enabled, I mean walk around the scene and look at it from other angles.
VR is going to make a lot of extremely rich people over the next decade, that is for sure. I'm betting some will be in the porn space too. A lot of the technologies coming soon into the world of VR are not really known that widely, but suffice to say VR porn is going to be unbelievably realistic in the next 2 to 5 years. You have no idea...

I can imagine entire business models built around it. I don't care what anyone says, if they could secretly go on a VR date with their dream 'person' and finish with grand slam, they are going to do it.

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If people bought 4k monitors when they came out, were highly expensive, highly janky (dual panel anybody?), then people will buy the rift at a fraction of the cost. There's no denying it'll sell. My issue is the added bloat from handshake deals that are very obviously upping the cost. Like I said, I give two ****s what lies they spew, it's costing and we're paying that price to the piper. I work in enough business political bull**** to know it when I see it.

Not that I care that it's 600 bucks, because like I said I'll have one for free regardless. My issue is I'd rather it go into paying for highly sophisticated tech, not an amp/dac which isn't necessary, and surely not a stupid controller. Before anybody comes at me with a sophisticated rebuttal, the DK2 was 350 bucks. There isn't enough here that warrants the huge price hike besides the extra bull****. Did they score a deal with SMI? If that tech isn't in it, then this is straight bull****.
I can imagine entire business models built around it. I don't care what anyone says, if they could secretly go on a VR date with their dream 'person' and finish with grand slam, they are going to do it.


Definitely. There are already several companies working on the metaverse. It's easy to see them as just MMO games right now, but think ahead 5 or 10 years. People will spend a lot of time in them. World championship light saber tournaments can be a thing. World series Star Wars Pod Racing, that could be another thing. In 10 years those kind of experiences will be bordering on photorealistic, and its not going to be so obviously 'virtual'. That's when the real fun begins :D

If people bought 4k monitors when they came out, were highly expensive, highly janky (dual panel anybody?), then people will buy the rift at a fraction of the cost. There's no denying it'll sell. My issue is the added bloat from handshake deals that are very obviously upping the cost. Like I said, I give two ****s what lies they spew, it's costing and we're paying that price to the piper. I work in enough business political bull**** to know it when I see it.

Not that I care that it's 600 bucks, because like I said I'll have one for free regardless. My issue is I'd rather it go into paying for highly sophisticated tech, not an amp/dac which isn't necessary, and surely not a stupid controller. Before anybody comes at me with a sophisticated rebuttal, the DK2 was 350 bucks. There isn't enough here that warrants the huge price hike besides the extra bull****. Did they score a deal with SMI? If that tech isn't in it, then this is straight bull****.

DK2 was actuallly sold at a significant loss (Im talking in the 100 dollar range) but it didn't matter because they were not selling many units, consumer Rift is sold at a loss technically, but it's just a couple dollars shy of cost price. I guess Facebook wern't prepared to take a large financial hit.

DK2 also had no custom components. They were Galaxy Note 3 screens rejected by Samsung for dead pixels in an area of the display that's not used in VR. Then they just overclocked to 75hz. Also lets be honest, DK2 construction was woeful. You had to use a coin to twist the eye relief dial :p The optics were incredibly rudimentary. Essentially just a magnifying glass. The tracking camera was an off the shelf module. The IMUs were out of a phone, but calibrated better. DK2 really was just made from spare parts from the smartphone industry.

No it definitely does not have the SMI tech in. That would be headline news left right and center if so. You could play VR games on a damn GTX 460 if that was the case.

I think the main wastes of money were the Oculus Remote and the box. Sure it's a really cool travel box and I would have paid for it anyway, but most will never use it. And I know for a fact that it *was* (relatively) expensive.
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This thread is great and probably the most active we've been in the gaming section recently.

I hope the Oculus Rift sells well and when it actually starts shipping it is a solid product that will help establish the market for VR and drive competition.

Overall, it seems evident that $599 is too expensive. Yes people are preordering but thousands of people who intended to preorder changed their minds due to the price. I think Oculus is at fault for promising a much lower figure several times over the past few years. They set expectations and then didn't deliver anywhere near them.

Not saying that it will not be worth $600 but NO ONE(consumer) knows if its worth $600 today. The money they're throwing at the Oculus is based on ideas and a perspective from business and not from the people.
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