No Wireless Hotmail or Ebay?

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Baseband Member
I have a PC and Laptop on a wireless network, both with built in wireless adaptors.

I have been having this problem for a while now, on the laptop some internet sites work fine, others will hang indefinatly like ebay and hotmail. Everything works OK on the main PC.

Any ideas what could be causing this?

I have the same results with the firewall down and internet security set to low.

do they both use the same anti virus software?

have you tried connecting directly with wires and see if the problem still occurs?

updated the wireless card drivers?

tried the web pages in different browsers such as firefox or opera?
i disabled the anti virus software too.

i dont get the problem with wires.

the laptop used to work fine on the old drivers.

i just tried using firefox2 on the laptop and had the same problem, the front page ( loads but if i click on signin/out it hangs.
look at the router config normally entering in the browser address bar but check the router manual the number can differ.

once in the settings make sure UPNP is enabled could also try disabling the router firewall just make sure to have a software one enabled.

and if it worked fine on older drivers? why not go back to those? unless you need the new ones for some reason.
i dont have a router, both machines have built in wireless

i am still using the old drivers, they still work apart from a few sites.
i'm using the wireless network i setup.

The Desktop PC is connected to the internet, and the laptop connects through it.
I'm confused don't you need some sort of router or wireless access point to even have a wireless network? it sounds like you have devices laptop and pc and both have wireless adaptors... correct? but that doesn't mean they can connect.
You are using internet connection sharing with wireless? Is this correct?

I have setup a wireless network between the two machines.

I'm confused don't you need some sort of router or wireless access point to even have a wireless network?

I'm not an expert, but i dont think you do, as long as you have an internet connection to share, you can access it with another computer on the configured network.

it sounds like you have devices laptop and pc and both have wireless adaptors... correct?

i think so
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