Network Printer with ethernet connections in use

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Baseband Member
I am trying to help a friend out in his office and set up a network printer between two computers. Here is the setup one computer is in one office that has it's own cable modem access, the other computer that needs to access the printer is in an office right next door and is connected to the office's LAN. The printer sits in the hall between the two offices. Now both computers are currently on different networks for different net access and they need to stay that way. The printer is an older giant hp with an ethernet connection on it and a serial connection. Should I add a second NIC to both machines connect those NICs to a small 4 port switch and connect the printer also? Would this be the quickest and easiest solution to the problem?

I can not remove the computer that is on the Office LAN from the LAN and can not add the computer with the cable modem to the Office LAN.
I just thought of this and dont know why it didn't dawn on me earlier. Tell me what you think. Just use the Parallel port on the printer, automatic parallel switch on it and then two serial cables from the switch to the printer. The switch allows two computers to share one parallel device such as one of those older printers.

Much easier, little more expensive, but I think more effective and more trouble free.
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