Need advice for learning languages etc.

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Baseband Member
Hello I'm going to college late this September for a Bachelors in Computer Science and I was just wondering if you guys had any suggestions on some things I could learn about now till then that would help me be a little bit more prepared. What should I focus on learning between now and then, like C++/HTML or what would you guys suggest. Thanks!
I do some programming in my spare time. What you should start with is the basics first. Start with HTML, XHTML, CSS, PHP, etc. I am not exactly sure what you will be doing after college but these are a start.
I would like to make a career for my self in the computer security industry, I'm currently learning HTML on my own as I figured it would be a good one to learn, any other suggestions from any one here? Any advice would be appreciated in spades, thanks.
I guess if I was you I would look up as much information as possible on the internet and books on computer security for the industry. I work at Hewlett-Packard maybe I will ask some of the IT security people for you. Good luck with your career and don't give up.
Hello I'm going to college late this September for a Bachelors in Computer Science and I was just wondering if you guys had any suggestions on some things I could learn about now till then that would help me be a little bit more prepared. What should I focus on learning between now and then, like C++/HTML or what would you guys suggest. Thanks!

HTML is by far the easiest web coding language.. but then php is more professional, secure, has many more uses, and would make a better impression.

Likewise with programming languages, simplest is Visual basic.. but then you can impress your tutor with knowledge in C++ ..
Ok I did some research last night and I think I'm going to focus on learning these before I start my first semester: 1. Hexadecimal 2. Assembly 3. TCP/IP and Sockets. I spent about 4-5 hours yesterday starting to learn about Hexadecimal, anyway do you guys think this is a good direction to start with?
Hexadecimal is a number format and not something you should be worried about at this point. I would recommend that you find out what language and book you'll be using when you start your university classes in the fall. Go ahead and buy the book now, and start learning.
hey. Yeah I started a 4 year Major in Computing Science just last fall. Idk how diff it is down in the states compared to Canada. Though in my first semester Comp Sci class we learned some html. Then we learned about some basics of assembly. Also we learned about binary and hex. Also some basic architecture of computers like switches, gates, boolean logic and stuff like that. Oh and some history of computers.

Now im in my second semester with my second Comp Sci course and all we are learning is Java the programming language. Nothing else in the course except for java.

But like I said Idk how diff your college is. Also my University is a liberal arts university.

Hope that helps some.
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