my parents turned me into what i am

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beedubaya said:
You have no idea Nubius....our worlds are completely different. You can't possibly understand mine, therefore you need not comment on it. I can't possible understand whats so great about being stoned all the time as you do, but I dont continually rag on you for that.

Not continually, but it does come up quite often.
p0werslave said:
Not continually, but it does come up quite often.

Because he continually talks about it. Everytime I post in an off-topic thread about something personal, Nubius is always the first one to come raggin' on me for it.
beedubaya said:
Because he continually talks about it. Everytime I post in an off-topic thread about something personal, Nubius is always the first one to come raggin' on me for it.

Come to think about it, your right.
I can't possible understand whats so great about being stoned all the time as you do, but I dont continually rag on you for that.
Nothing is good about 'all the time' and as I told you back in january I quit that, so yeah good comparison there. And if you DO want to make such comparison, it'd be like me talking every other week about how great it is to be stoned all the time which I don't do....even in pot threads it's been why I like it, and why I think it should be legal...not simply YEAH ITS GREAT TO BE STONED ALL THE TIME WOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Just because I tell you the truth isn't 'ragging'

You take things too personally because you know **** well it's true.

If you don't like your life do something about it and quit blaming your parents, other people, or alcohol on it.

It's pointless to come to a forum and make pity threads approx 1 a month.

I told you this same crap back when we used to talk on AIM, but now since you became a mod, and have been on the 'ban nubius committee' you think I'm picking on you...nothings changed, I'm saying the same things I've always said.

whats so hard to understand about a teenager who feels sorry for himself, is anti-social and thinks his parents hate him? Hello....that's like 95% of all teenagers in the US dude.

How do I continually talk about? I respond to your 'CONTINUAL' self if anyone is doing anything continually it's you and your 'You could be like me.....<Insert selfpity scenario here>'

it's happened in threads like these, it's happened in alcohol based threads....get over it, do something about it, or just stop talking about it.

Help comes to those who help themselves.
One alcohol based thread that I started....there are way, way more pot threads.

You need to just put me on your ignore list and I will do the same to you.
Been a while since i posted something useless here so i think i'll go ahead and do it. That was a lie, but i am going to go ahead and say what i want...

beedubaya you didn't have the best of lives. No one has, but that doesn't make yours any better or worse than any one elses. Comparing your life to any others is a complete and utter case of bullshit, in my opinion. Every one has problems, when you try to atleast get them out of you and ppl say it isn't that bad they should be slapped. I do however agree with nubuis on the fact that life is what you make it. I'm not always a very determined person; however, when i want somethin i get it for and from myself. I usually just don't want much in life, but now i'm ranint bout me me me.

Back to the topic, my parents made me into something that i really wish i wasn't. Well i shouldn't say they made me... i should say that they were a large part of it, though.
beedubaya said:
At least you didn't have parents like mine, those who talk to me on AIM know what im talking about. I doubt anybody here had or has parents that are even somewhat similar to mine. Just to let you know how bad it was, I wasn't even allowed to have my own computer until after my high school graduation, and I couldn't breath a certain way without them criticizing me.

I think I am f*cked up in the head because of my parents, and I know its the reason I am not very social. I think there are two exteremes of parents. There are those like mine, who are so strict that it destroys a person. Then there are those that are so lenient that it causes a person to have no values or moral whatsoever.

Just my rant, don't criticize me for it.
I haven't noticed honest. The only thing you told me was you couldn't have your own PC.
Are you guys f*cking kidding me?

I love the examples the seniors here set. Who cares what someone posts nubius? there is worse stuff in other threads.... i mean for what reason do u go out of ur way to go and rag on someone about how they take their life? he didnt even refer to u when he said it, im sure i speak for more then beed when i say just Shut It Up.
has anyone here read who moved my cheese?
it's about change.

the story is basically about 2 tiny people, and 2 rats. the rats and tiny people are about the same size.
they go to an area with a whole bunch of cheese, and the people think "wow, this is great, we'll be here for like forever"
but then the cheese gets taken away gradually, until there is nothing there. the rats just kind of think "whatever" and go off to find more cheese.
but the mini people sit there complaining and going "where's my cheese?" and they just sit there for days and weeks waiting for the cheese to come back. of course it doesn't. the mini-people are scared of going out and getting lost.
one of the mini people begins to realise that it's not going to come back, so he eventually goes off to find some. after a while, he does find more cheese, and the rats are already there.

anyway, the moral is basically: if something happens, it happens. just accept that it happens and move on. and don't be scared of change, it can often be a lot better than trying to stick with what you have.
i mean for what reason do u go out of ur way to go and rag on someone about how they take their life?
And how exactly did I rag on him? What did I say in wasn't a personal attack or a flame...the point is...if you dislike something about your life, then change it...don't go whining about it constantly.

Who cares what someone posts nubius?
Yes yes, that's about who cares what someone posts, then what do you do...comment on my post....theres my good little hypocrite. Not the brightest kid in the class are ya?

I don't care who the hell I speak for when I say you can just shut the hell up...I see you making smart ass comments all the freakin time...infact the only time I see you post is when you have some stupid comment to say....I don't know why out of the blue you decided to be a little douche, but get over yourself.

See this:

Been a while since i posted something useless here so i think i'll go ahead and do it. That was a lie, but i am going to go ahead and say what i want...

beedubaya you didn't have the best of lives. No one has, but that doesn't make yours any better or worse than any one elses. Comparing your life to any others is a complete and utter case of bullshit, in my opinion. Every one has problems, when you try to atleast get them out of you and ppl say it isn't that bad they should be slapped. I do however agree with nubuis on the fact that life is what you make it. I'm not always a very determined person; however, when i want somethin i get it for and from myself. I usually just don't want much in life, but now i'm ranint bout me me me.
Atleast one person can tell what I'm trying to say and how I'm trying to say it...if I wanted to be rude I'd simply say

BEEDUB QUIT YOUR **** WHINING JEEZ...blah blah blah, which I didn't.

I'm sorry if I don't give the "Aww, I feel sorry for you" that I guess you guys are looking for :rolleyes:

This will be the 2nd time I've quoted it, but as the Suicidal Tendencies song says

"99% of your life is what you make of it, so if your life sucks, you suck"
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