my parents turned me into what i am

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the first movie that i saw with my parents that i fully remember was The Terminator when i was about 3-4 (they claim to have shown it to me once before when i was about 2 but i dont recall)

the first game i ever played was wolf3d at age 5ish and then doom a bit later on.

my mum who is a doctor took me to the ER at age 6-7 cos she was working there and couldnt leave me elswhere. i got to stay in a room off to the side of the main coridoor that led to all the operating rooms so i got to see all the ppl going past

is this why i turned out as i have (a bit f**ked up). is that why during violent movies i laugh (and the ppl around me get disturbed)?
So what?

You played a video game, watched a movie and sat in a hospital.

And Laughing during a movie doesn't make you messed up.
At least you didn't have parents like mine, those who talk to me on AIM know what im talking about. I doubt anybody here had or has parents that are even somewhat similar to mine. Just to let you know how bad it was, I wasn't even allowed to have my own computer until after my high school graduation, and I couldn't breath a certain way without them criticizing me.

I think I am f*cked up in the head because of my parents, and I know its the reason I am not very social. I think there are two exteremes of parents. There are those like mine, who are so strict that it destroys a person. Then there are those that are so lenient that it causes a person to have no values or moral whatsoever.

Just my rant, don't criticize me for it.
so i watch movies like that and i laugh and people do the same dont mind me i dont give s*** what they think, i paid my 5 bucks to watch a movie hi i can do what i want to a certain point.
Unfortunately, we can't blame any one input for making us as we are.

I have found that many factors contribute to this, including parents, genetics, education, friends, activities, entertainment, music... the list goes on and on.

We are a product of our own worlds.
beedubaya said:
At least you didn't have parents like mine, those who talk to me on AIM know what im talking about. I doubt anybody here had or has parents that are even somewhat similar to mine. Just to let you know how bad it was, I wasn't even allowed to have my own computer until after my high school graduation, and I couldn't breath a certain way without them criticizing me.

I think I am f*cked up in the head because of my parents, and I know its the reason I am not very social. I think there are two exteremes of parents. There are those like mine, who are so strict that it destroys a person. Then there are those that are so lenient that it causes a person to have no values or moral whatsoever.

Just my rant, don't criticize me for it.

reading that made me kind of sad, and have a shitty feeling inside.
At least you didn't have parents like mine, those who talk to me on AIM know what im talking about. I doubt anybody here had or has parents that are even somewhat similar to mine. Just to let you know how bad it was, I wasn't even allowed to have my own computer until after my high school graduation, and I couldn't breath a certain way without them criticizing me.

I think I am f*cked up in the head because of my parents, and I know its the reason I am not very social. I think there are two exteremes of parents. There are those like mine, who are so strict that it destroys a person. Then there are those that are so lenient that it causes a person to have no values or moral whatsoever.

Just my rant, don't criticize me for it. could have parents that are so strict that they beat you....that sound like a better alternative?

I had a friend whos dad was a gang member and eventually was killed due to it...the guy his mom later got with beat him on a daily basis until they got out of there...his mom also cut her throat right infront of his eyes when he was a child so he has a nice memory of her running out the door with blood pouring from her neck.

His upbringing was quite worse than yours yet he never would talk about this self-pity style things that I see you do very frequently. He'd simply get out there, make changes for himself, enjoy life the best he could because sooner or later whatever troubles you have will disappear.

As I've told you many times in the past beedub, life is what you make of it. You can't blame your parents for anything. Yeah it sure doesn't help when they are strict as hell and it can be annoying and feel like they hate you or something, but they could be worse.

Like trotter said, no two people make you who you are...they mold you to some degree and put you (hopefully) on the path to right or wrong, but everything else would be your own doing.

If you don't like the way your life is, then change it...and you can't sit there and say "I cant" because that's no an acceptable answer, especially living in america.

Don't take it personally because I'm not attacking or trying to flame you, but I've seen you time and time again make these kind of posts where anyone can tell it's made out of sadness and self-pity.......that crap will get you nowhere...I'm not spouting out my ass because I used to do the same **** thing when I was 15 or 16.....but you quickly find out...who is too short to be worrying about such petty details...aren't you like 19 or 20 now? Theres no reason you should be blaming your parents for you being anti-social or unhappy.

Sorry, that's just my rant
You have no idea Nubius....our worlds are completely different. You can't possibly understand mine, therefore you need not comment on it. I can't possible understand whats so great about being stoned all the time as you do, but I dont continually rag on you for that.
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