Most anticipated but biggest dissapointment in games

Fallout new Vegas.......broken
Assassins creed 3......couldn't get past first 5 hours
Mass effect 3.....good until the end
Uncharted 3.....the computer spams you with grenades to make the game longer.

Biggest disappointment. PAC man on Atari 2600

Will bioshock infinite make the list? Or will it actually be good?

AC3 was almost criminally dull at times. It DID NOT give me a reason to anticipate AC4. Also, the controls went back to being about as broken as they were in the original AC.

However, I enjoyed Uncharted 3 quite a bit. While I concur with the first three games on this list as well as their reasons for being on here, Uncharted 3 was a blast.
BTW ajacks, next time you want a grilled cheese sandwich but also want to eat something else at the same time, try making two grilled cheese sandwiches and using them as a bun for a burger or hot dog or steak or whatever.

Now, if you do it right, you can actually make a monstrosity like that for around 600 calories, even though it sounds like it should start at 1k and skyrocket.

Also? Toss a few strips of bacon on the grilled cheese sandwich before grilling, and use spicy mustard. You get a grilled cheese/bacon bun for a guacamole jalapeno burger or something. ;)
man if you dolts chased off lar121 with your sophmoric shenanigans Snake 40 is gonna be miffed.

awwww, come on ajacks you would miss me too

Actually, he is in a shallow grave behind Slay's house. He showed up there looking to beat his a$$ after Slay's disparaging comments about his wife. Slay threw one of his diamond-hard tube socks at him and killed him instantly.

hahahahaha, some of this story is true, i was outside his house, just waiting for the right time
my biggest disappointment in games is when Wes Mantooth says he will be on at a certain time and i wait and wait and wait and he never shows. He says he falls asleep or is drunk or lost his xbox in a **** fight (not the chicken kind) but i know he is cheating on me with Omo and Snake
Definitely Mass Effect 3 for spend three games doing all of these things, making all these choices, gathering up all of these war assets, and the game reaches it's peak point; I'm all revved up and ready to go, so what happens?

LOL you thought choices and war assets mattered???? BOOM! SPACE MAGIC PICK-A-COLOR, THE END!!!!

Wait, what about....? SPACE MAGIC

But there's like 15 plot holes.... SPACE MAGIC

No seriously, how did Shepard not get incinerated by that blast? SPACE MAGIC

And why is the crucible firing from the Viper Nebula when we see the Milky Way from afar...because we're above Earth, not halfway across the galaxy....? SPACE MAGIC

But this synthetic / God Child thing had nothing to do with the plot of these games.... SPACE MAGIC

Dude seriously these plot holes! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP! SPACE MAGIC!!!!!!!!

Listen, I enjoyed the games, all three of them in fact and they will always be up there on any top gaming lists for me, but I can't recall a more nonsensical, anti-climactic, plot hole ridden, piece of stale refrigerated horseradish donkey **** let down of an ending in my life.
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