Modern art, you sick ****.

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This person is doing something about it.
News: Stop animal cruelty as "art" in Honduras Biennial!

Perhaps we should too?

There was a man a few weeks back in my state that was hit by a car and no one did anything.

HARTFORD, Connecticut (AP) -- A 78-year-old man is tossed like a rag doll by a hit-and-run driver and lies motionless on a busy city street as car after car goes by. Pedestrians gawk but do nothing. One driver stops briefly but then pulls back into traffic. A man on a scooter slowly circles the victim before zipping away.

The hit-and-run took place about 5:45 p.m. in a working-class neighborhood close to downtown in this city of 125,000.

In the video, Torres walks in the two-way street just blocks from the state Capitol after buying milk at a grocery. A tan Toyota and a dark Honda that is apparently chasing it cross the center line, and Torres is struck by the Honda. Both cars then dart down a side street. Video Watch the impact and the bystanders' failure to act »

Several cars pass Torres as a few people stare from the sidewalk. Some approach Torres, but most stay put until a police cruiser responding to an unrelated call arrives on the scene after about a minute and a half.
Don't Miss

* WTNH: Hit-run victim left in street
* Hartford Courant: Police chief voices outrage

The police chief told The Hartford Courant that he was unsure whether anyone called 911.

"Like a dog they left him there," said a disgusted Jose Cordero, 37, who was with friends Thursday not far from where Torres was struck. Robert Luna, who works at a store nearby, said: "Nobody did nothing."

One witness, Bryant Hayre, told the Courant he didn't feel comfortable helping Torres, who he said was bleeding and conscious.

The accident -- and bystanders' callousness -- dominated morning radio talk shows.

"It was one of the most despicable things I've seen by one human being to another," the Rev. Henry Brown, a community activist, said in an interview. "I don't understand the mind-set anymore. It's kind of mind-boggling. We're supposed to help each other. You see somebody fall, you want to offer a helping hand."

The victim's son, Angel Arce, begged the public for help in finding the driver. "My father is fighting for his life," he said.

The hit-and-run is the second violent crime to shock Hartford this week. On Monday, former Deputy Mayor Nicholas Carbone, 71, was beaten and robbed while walking to breakfast. He remains hospitalized and faces brain surgery"There was a time they would have helped that man across the street. Now they mug and assault him," police chief said. "Anything goes."

Councilman Matthew Ritter said police can do only so much.

"The citizens are the city," he said. "Everybody has a part to play. Call 911 and reach out."

It just goes to prove that people are continually showing more and more apathy for other human lives. It's not just other living beings.
Thanks havoc, I would like very much to have 5 min alone with this "artist" the more i think about this the more i get mad! If he comes to the UK I will see to it personally that his stay is not a happy one.
just reading havocs post about the hit and run...maybe there's a connection

most of those names have a certain ethnic tie...hispanic...maybe there are a lot of hispanics in this city of connecticut...maybe they are just like that? I am not sure, but not making a racial slur attempt.

It's like how Spaniards throw animals out of windows for a certain holiday
Animal Cruelty - Important Links - geolor
as if bullfighting wasn't barbaric enough, many women think it's sick as that is

maybe the spaniards passed that mentality on to all their colonies and these hispanic countries think it's a normal thing to do.
That guy deserves to be shot and so does everyone else that the exhibition that witnessed this and did nothing.
That is too nice. What I would like to do is make a mural out of human food and then have the artist (skinny and hungry) chained next to it, yet not close enough for it to be able to eat from it.
I still think that to nice Harper, 5 min me an him in a locked room with a rubber hose an some costic soda an a glass bottle would be much more fitting.
*prepares for infractions* i'd tie that sick ******* up by his nut sack and drag him down a dirt road...
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