Memory On Mac Book Pro

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Baseband Member
I was looking at getting one of the Mac Book Pro's and was wondering if the upgrade from 512mb ram to 1GB ram was really worth the $90? If not would it be more worth it to spend the $90 to upgrade the hdd space from 80GB to 100GB?
for the RAM, i say yes...for the HD, i would say it depends if 1. This is going to be your main computer or not and 2. How much stuff you'll be putting on it
Okay, I heard a new-wave of intel based macs will be released soon? Do you have any idea when this will be?
there are rumors of a 2.33GhZ MacBook Pro with a 17" screen coming out this Sunday and rumors of a iBook like MacBook coming out within about a month or 2
So I'm guessing the current mac book pros will go an sale soon with the launch of the new batch. Is the new 17" going to be for sale or are they going to just say "hey we've got this new mac book pro that will be available in the fall"?
They tend to release things extremely quickly if not instantly. If I were you, unless you need the extra power, wait for the iBook successor.

Charlie -
Well I'm going on vacation in late may, early june and would like to have it by then so hopefully they'll be some kind of sale in the next few weeks.
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