Media Player

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Billy and TrayPlayer

There is a player called "Billy". The only bad thing with that is it doesnt plays wma. But is really amazing how lite is it, how usefull, and how functional. Its incredible, try it. You can find here
Also there is the TrayPlayer that is the best player ever(no doubt). That can play every type of sound even images and video. Is very lite and unbeliavable functional. New version is shareware but you can find older version in
EclipseGST303 said:
Winamp is too cluttered. Too many seperate windows. I use iTunes.

I find the layout perfect. Lots of buttons and stuff, yes, but the usability of the program is phenominal. It doesn't take up a huge amount of screen space, it looks good if you have the classic skin on, and like I said, the sheer amount of usable features and the layout of the buttons makes the player very worthwhile. Not only that, it takes up almost no system resources.

I love Winamp.
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