Losing weight after Christmas

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I did the low/no carb last November and lost 20 pounds in two weeks. We would eat carbs on the weekend, and none during the week. It was great, I really want to do it again.
i say you go for the punching bag... maybe a nice speedbag... and if you like coordination games.. play some dance dance revolution.. get a nice homepad and start playing :p

or even play stepmania with a usb pad... i got 1000's of songs i'd be happy to give! :p

hit the benchpress.. i find doing low weight high reps does some justice..

shadow boxing with some weights....

buy some ankle weights and wear them on a daily bases.. there's tons of things you cuold do.... that take small amounts of time that could help you
or go out and buy a 17" with dual gfx cards and carry that everywhere.

strap a small child to your back.

get a big pair of clown shoes and fill them with cement.
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