Losing disk space every day ~ SSD

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Why free up RAM? You do know that Win7 and Vista pre-load most everything you would normally use into the ram if it will easily fit, right? Freeing up ram does nothing, it's a gimmick.

Like i said.. i used to play a game that was RAM Hungry the longer it was on the more ram it took up. It was an MMO with a massive map. So after a few hours of having it on it took up so much ram that using that program made it go back down to what it was when the game starts up for the first time.
So no.. it wasnt a gimmick.. atleast for my needs.
IObit has a nasty reputation for stealing someone else's work, so I would never trust anything from them
IOBit Steals Malwarebytes' Intellectual Property - Malwarebytes Forum
Try WinDirStat http://windirstat.info/ to see what your 'space hogs' are and which Program is writing so much to your Drive. Norton downloads anti-virus Database Updates regularly and does not need to be on your SSD.


I use both IOBit's Software (many different Programs from them) and Malwarebytes. I read the Thread you Posted and did more research also. Part of what is being said seems like a "Hate Campaign". Using this Site to soapbox unsubstantiated dissuadions of Products or other Sites has been noticed previously.

People are also claiming (in other Threads linked-to from that one) that IOBit sends SPAM, I know for a fact that is not true since they have my email address and only send polite 'Thank yous' when I report Bugs. They have never SPAMed me in the last three years nor do I get more than one or two SPAMs per month from anyone (usually Nigeria) so they are likely not selling my email address.

IOBit has excellent Tech Support that is quick, helpful and educated. Malwarebytes is slow to respond to Bug Reports (like the "Norton Update Problem") and even denied it existed for a long while before they attempted various fixes.

MalwareBytes Software has a lot of "you must pay to enable this feature" buttons (which they have a right to do). IOBit started out with very few 'requests for money' features though the 'pay-for' features have increased these last 4 months as everything comes out of Beta (which they have a right to do also). So IOBit is lower on the 'Nagware' / 'Disabled Features' Pole.

Both Companies provide Software that works very well, for free. There is an unsubstantiated bias in that Thread that was Posted. I intend to Research more before I liable either Company and use this Site to spread it.

SmartRam is old but works (a little, like most "RAM Boosters") their "Game Booster" works much better but is not for the same usage unless you are using SmartRam during gaming.
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