Linux Distribution Recommendation Thread

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I just learned yum and it is doing a much better job than portage does. I tried Debian a week ago and I wanted to install KDE, well I couldn't figure out how to do it and still don't know. I tried apt-get packagename, substitute packagename with proper name for kde in apt, I don't remember it.
I tried apt-get packagename time, try this:
apt-get [i]install[/i] [packagename]

One seldom runs a package management tool without running it as root, and thus not knowing your way around it can be dangerous. ALWAYS read documentation and possibly tutorials/guides on your package management software of choice so you know it well. It's not quite as simple as installing, upgrading, and uninstalling software. Package management systems are convenient and useful, but they aren't perfect, and you should understand how it deals with dependancies, uninstallations, upgrades, masking, and how to check and control these things specifically, etc. It's easy to break things, especially if you aren't careful.
number one for me was slackware but as networking comp i recomend the PHLAK distro.....
TSHF said:
I just learned yum and it is doing a much better job than portage does. I tried Debian a week ago and I wanted to install KDE, well I couldn't figure out how to do it and still don't know. I tried apt-get packagename, substitute packagename with proper name for kde in apt, I don't remember it.
In addition to what Marc said, if you want a package and can't find it, do this:
apt-cache search <packagename>
Well, I have used a Knoppix live CD a couple of times. I have to say it wasn't bad a'tall. But it felt sorta naked without all my other stuff on the computer not available.

Right now I am giving Ubuntu 5.10 a spin on a live CD (I'm typing in Firefox in it right now). Ugly default desktop, but it seems to be solid.

I doubt I'll install it on this comp, though. If and when I get to build a new box, I plan on having a dual- or triple-boot system, though.
Yeah, Trotter Ubuntu uses the gnome enviornment, Kubuntu is the same distro but it uses the KDE enviornment.

I prefer KDE, but some prefer gonme.
gnome is gtk based and kde is qt based--different libraries or API's used to build them

both attempt to be all in one desktop environments
Yeah, KDE is flashy and similar to the graphics you would find on a MAC desktop (more 3-D looking, and whatnot) gnome is a little less like that. I haven't really used gnome as I prefer KDE's structure and organization over gnome.
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