It's calorie-burning time.

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lots of water is good. recent studies have shown that as often as 40% of the time we feel "hungry" we're actually dehydrated.

i would recommend buying some decent running shoes and go for a nice evening jog (or morning if you feel you can wake up at the buttcrack of dawn to avoid the heat). jogging for 20 minutes 4 or 5 days a week will cut down on alot of that excess body fat.

i had the same story (skinny all my life, got lazy, got a gut) and just drank more water and started jogging. i'm skinny again, but toned.

if you don't like jogging, swimming is REALLY a good full-body workout and a good way to beat the heat!
You want a workout?


#1 Physical Sport in the world.

two 45 minute motos is pure **** if your out of shape.

I would know. I now have to do cardio training and I ride those bicycles that you can sit on and watch tv as you pedal and pedal.

Trust me. Its not easy.
molsen said:
not exactly a cheap sport to get into

Nope. Not at all.

Basically you got the bike and now you have to add all the gear and after that you have more kids going to the local skateboard Park then the motocross track.

Luckily AMA is making more restrictions on boring out engines and such so you basically dont have to buy a new bike evrey 2 years to "keep up"
horndude said:
its calories in versus calories out, period, there's no cheating or free lunches, if you want to lose weight you must expend more calories than you consume

1 pound of fat is about 3800 calories, so if you have a daily deficit of about 500 calories you will lose just under a pound a week, which is a nice healthy pace to lose weight

No, it's not all about calories. It's about other things. When I did my diet, before I got the chance to start working out, which was about a month after I started my diet, I did not exercise. I did nothing, just sat around all day, eating everything other than what I wasnt suppose to eat. I did NOT expend NEARLY the amount of calories I took in, not even close. But, I lost a substantial amount of weight. The calorie myth has been around since the dawn of the fitness era, sometime in the eighties, and just now are people starting to notice that calories actually have little to do with your weight, and it is the other things like fats and salts and sugars and whatever the hel! else is in foods.
I said in my first post, I did one of thsoe carb-cutting fad diets. It worked like nobodies business, but I got lazy, and all the weight came back. It depressed me.
Him said:
No, it's not all about calories. It's about other things. When I did my diet, before I got the chance to start working out, which was about a month after I started my diet, I did not exercise. I did nothing, just sat around all day, eating everything other than what I wasnt suppose to eat. I did NOT expend NEARLY the amount of calories I took in, not even close. But, I lost a substantial amount of weight. The calorie myth has been around since the dawn of the fitness era, sometime in the eighties, and just now are people starting to notice that calories actually have little to do with your weight, and it is the other things like fats and salts and sugars and whatever the hel! else is in foods.

not without violating the laws of physics and thermodynamics, try again, bring some empirical evidence please
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