Is there any soon to be out games that are gonna surpass Crysis?

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Simple. L4D

Although nobody knows when it will actually come out, since it was supposed to come out early last year. But I have never looked forward to a game as much as that one. Read up on it if you haven't already at
I have beaten Assassin's Creed on the 360, and I have to say that the controls would be really weird to use on the PC. The 360 controls felt...perfect, everything was really well set up. I can't see the controls for PC feeling as smooth as they did for the 360.

I actually thought that Assassin's Creed looked a little better than Crysis.
I have beaten Assassin's Creed on the 360, and I have to say that the controls would be really weird to use on the PC. The 360 controls felt...perfect, everything was really well set up. I can't see the controls for PC feeling as smooth as they did for the 360.

I actually thought that Assassin's Creed looked a little better than Crysis.

Well anything can look better than Crysis, but nothing looks as photo-realistic IMO

If you've played the demo alone, or even the full game, but on any other setting other than Very High, then don't comment on Crysis graphics, the first level is just plain sheet compared to the later levels, and High settings is a little depressing to look at.
Well anything can look better than Crysis, but nothing looks as photo-realistic IMO

If you've played the demo alone, or even the full game, but on any other setting other than Very High, then don't comment on Crysis graphics, the first level is just plain sheet compared to the later levels, and High settings is a little depressing to look at.

I have played Crysis on the very high settings (though it wasn't my PC, my new rig will be assembled in 2 days and I'll have it then) and I agree with the photo-realistic comment, though I have yet to play more than the demo. When I have my new PC I will play Crysis while Assassin's creed is on the HD TV next to me. I will compare and re-post just to make sure my memory serves me correctly.
Very high settings at 1920x1200 is unplayable even with a q6600 and SLI GTS512, and i refuse to lower my resolution as it looks like utter crap.
Very high settings at 1920x1200 is unplayable even with a q6600 and SLI GTS512, and i refuse to lower my resolution as it looks like utter crap.

I know what you mean. Before I got my 22" wide screen I used to play CS:S on 1920x1200. Going from that to 1680x1050 was kind of a drag, but the picture on this monitor is MUCH better.
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