I want to make an operating system!!!

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Qbasic is pretty good

Currently I'm making an OS in VBDOS (sota like Qbasic) and it is doing quite well. You see in QBasic you can make shells for DOS.

mabee wat u can do is create a .obj file with VBDOS and then merge it with a ASM file?

My OS is no werz yet but heres hoping, there are a whole lota Qbasic OSes at:

or check out this crappy one:
Making an OS was actually a childhood dream of mine. I once thought that I would be able to replace Bill Gates as the richest man because of my OS. I created the first version as a shell for DOS. I called it PowerSystem 0.10. I never came out with 0.2, though. I guess dreams don't last forever.
*sigh* The closest I will come ot making an OS now is screwing w/ the kernel... I just don't have the knowledge to sit down and from scratch make an OS... I mean... I know C++ ok ,and JAVA well, but I would just be lost.(i think)

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