I want to make an operating system!!!

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Solid State Member
i know college wont be enuf because i'll need to learn assembly and stuff... in what should i go at university to learn what i need to?

and yeah, maybe the target is a big high but i want to have my own os! it's a childhood dream!!...somehow...
Own os eh. Good luck sell it to me for cheap lol. Umm i know waterloo is one of the best science degrees in almost all of canada. One of the best techneghal schools. And its cheap. But i dont know if u could make an os from coming out of that school.
XT said:
Own os eh. Good luck sell it to me for cheap lol. Umm i know waterloo is one of the best science degrees in almost all of canada. One of the best techneghal schools. And its cheap. But i dont know if u could make an os from coming out of that school.

It's not cheap.
One of the top rated University's in Canada, and probably the Best University in Ontario.
actually if ur a canadian resident its 11 grand a year. Its cheap
a friend and actually created an OS using Qbasic, it was basically a copy of windows, but we could run it from dos and we actually created many replicas of the program you may find in windows, we had the calculator, paint, telephone program, could even run other files/games on it... it was a blast to make and did it all just for the fun of it
You may wanna find around 2 or 3 people like you to work on something like that together. Especially if each of you know different languages, so you can use assembler with something else u know. In any case, assembler specifically is a language that must be memorized pretty much, that's why universities don't prefer to have it, cuz it's not really a teaching of it. Honestly, my suggestion is to buy a book and start from there.
Kilgayne said:
i know college wont be enuf because i'll need to learn assembly and stuff... in what should i go at university to learn what i need to?

and yeah, maybe the target is a big high but i want to have my own os! it's a childhood dream!!...somehow...

Myself and about 8 friends are working on an operating system - trust me - you don't want to program that. We're mostly doing it just to prove that we can, and we have a target of 2008 to finish (we started last year)

Assemly is a futher mucker so if you're going to learn it - have tons of patience - assemly is mostly used just to get hard drives to spin and cd drives to read and what not. Then you just...do the restin C and what not...I've lost my train of thought but that should clean it up :)
nemesis2004 said:
technically, what you made in qbasic isn't actually an os.. it's a GUI basically..

just like win 3.1

QBasic can make bootable operating systems - but you're pretty accurate on the Win 3.1 thing - but it really does end up being more like an even more buggy OS/2 ;p
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