How much time per week spent on TF?

what do u think is the worst game ?

  • duke nukem forever

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  • quake 4

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  • F.E.A.R

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  • stalker

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How much time per week do we all spend on TF? I want to see if I'm not the only one here who spends 30+ hours on. :confused:
DJ-CHRIS said:
You spend 30+ hours on TF?

Haha, looser

Im not counting my time, at all :grr:


I'm sorry, I should have elaborated on that a little bit. I'm rarely on during the weekend, if at all, and rarely on while I'm at home. I work full time. I sit in front of a computer and do about 15 minutes of real actual work a day (Office Space) but that is my job. I do nothing, and get paid a ton. So, I inherently get paid to be on TF. Still laughin at me, Chris? I think not. :cool:
I'd say about 20-30. But when I got to college, my time will be drastically cut back, as I will have classes and football to take care of my time.
Don't know what u mean by being "on" TF.. Sometimes I have a TF window open on my computer without me reloading it for a few hours.. I remember one day I spent about 8 hrs on TF.. But, that was only one day.. (Thank God)..

If you mean the time I spent "reading" and "writing" stuff on TF, it probably amounts to maybe 45 min a day.. Well, my post count avg is < 5 day.. So I guess its believable :D..
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