how do i configure windows mail

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how do i configure windows mail with my msn live account,i went through the steps and put pop3 ans stmp in but keep getting error messages.Can i reconfigure these settings.
thank you in advance
You will need Windows Live Mail to work flawlessly with your Live Mail. Windows Mail you will have to do some tricks which may not work. Since Windows Mail is just Outlook Express rebranded. Get Windows Live Mail part of the Live Essentials pack.
sorry mak mate it is windows live mail i am trying to configure.Even if i cant configure it with my msn e-mail ,i would like to just be able to get windows live mail working so i can send e-mail and recieve e-mail on it.i have googled and followed the instructions still does not work , i think it has to do with when you get to the pop3 and smtp part of set up.Keep getting errors when trying to send e-mail from it.Involving pop3 and ssl
If you are using Windows Live Mail, you dont have to do jack. Let the software auto detect the proper settings. I know it works cause i have linked my Live & Hotmail accounts to Windows Live Mail for at least a year before i found out how to do it with Outlook.

Just create a account, input you information and let Live Mail do the rest. Dont try to manually confiure it cause you will not get the POP3 and SMTP settings right. Port 995 Port 587

Those are the settings. Not to mention you would need to have your FULL email address listed in theusername. It would have to have the as well. Not just the bits before the part.

That isnt even the full thing. Incoming is dont under SSL but outgoing is done under TSL. If i remember correctly.

I dont know where you read that you need to manually configure Live Mail to work with this, but they are dead wrong. Have the software configure it, it will work.
ok mate will give that a go thank you,right i have added my e-mail msn live account no bother.But when i goto send an e-mail to live account it takes me to wizzard saying what name you want them to see,what pop IMAP to use and what domain to use what does windows live mail use as their domain name, what pop etc.
thank you for your patience
Okay i seriously dont know what your doing anymore. It is 2 steps. Simple steps.

Step 1: Insert information.


The screen looks like that. Just type in your email address and password. Once you do and hit next you see Step 2:


All done. It will send and receive as it should. No further tinkering. So i dont have a clue what your doing. I dont have a clue when you say MSN Live as they are 2 different services. MSN is one service, Live is another. It is not MSN Live. It is either MSN or Live. Your email address will be either or not Just as there is as well.

So what is the @domain part of your email address? or It can only be 1 of those 3.
ok mate something wrong with mine sorry,downloaded newer version of windows mail and it worked like a charm.
thanks guys
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