Halo 4

OK campaign, hated some parts of it (The Librarian especially, immunity, wtf?)

Multiplayer's good

I'm about to start the campaign soon. Was it a good challenge or just BS? I'm going to do a solo legendary so I'm hoping it's more than just 5,000 grenades flying at you at once like the old CoD campaigns.
I play through on Legendary first, so I can get as much armory completion as possible.
Not very challenging, but not as easy as older Halos, where your teammate AI's do all the work.
Alright, so I've played a decent amount of MP and completed the campaign twice, once on Legendary solo, then afterward with a friend. If I had to grade it, I'd break it down like this:


Gameplay is smooth and solid, and MP is better than ever. There are plenty of game modes, custimization options, and unlocks to keep you coming back for more. Gameplay is smooth and pretty balanced for the most part. If you are a fan of Halo style MP, you'll love this.

Graphics (CGI Scenes):

Wow...just wow. Possibly the most realistic looking graphics outside of actual live actors. I've never seen anything like this on a console, it's incredible.

SP Story:

The blemish on an otherwise perfect game. It's not bad, it's just meh. If I had to give it a grade, I would say incomplete, because Halo 4, 5, 6 were set to be a new trilogy from the start. Seeing how the Chief has been on hiatus for several years, it's tough to pull magic out of you know where and create something mind blowing; the story so far shows that. Again, it's not bad, but it's nothing spectacular.

Buuuuut....with that being said, I think it might be time for....



Sorry guys, this isn't the actual real deal just yet, it's pretty much simple housekeeping. Before I get started I wanted to mention this first. In case any PS3 users out there were interested in this, read up on the plots/stories of the other games before reading the comic strips I post, otherwise you'll be beyond lost. Same goes for anyone really who hasn't played the Halo games.

Just a quick overview, the foundation of Halo is that the time frame is set about 500 years in the future, and all technology is based off of things discovered over the years that have been left behind by an ancient race known as the Forerunners. There is this group called the Covenant, whom consist of multiple alien races that have two agendas: 1.) Travel from world to world, conquer it, and strip it bare, and 2.) Embark on the "great journey" aka, their equivalent of reaching heaven; they believe that the Forerunners are their gods. They want to find the Halo rings and activate them because they believe it is a path to salvation, but the rings are actually ancient Forerunner weapons that were built as a last ditch effort to destroy the flood (the flood are a parasitic race that lives and reproduces by taking over an organic host…think zombie outbreak). What really happens upon ring activation is that it sets off what is more or less a galaxy-wide nuke that destroys all sentient life, and it was the Forerunner solution to stopping the spread of the flood. Your job throughout the games is to stop the Covenant (and flood) and make sure you find a way to do it without blowing up the entire galaxy.

Check out the other stories in this order:

Halo Reach: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo:_Reach

Halo 1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo:_Combat_Evolved

Halo 2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo_2

Halo 3: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo_3

Again, I highly recommend taking a few minutes to read over the plot/story summary so that things make sense. You can also read up on Halo: Wars, but the setting in that game takes place about 30 years before the games listed above, and it's really nothing other than just all out war. Everything lore-wise has already been listed above, or will be addressed in one of the other main games above.

Anyway, I don't know how often I'll be working on this seeing how Christmas is right around the corner and after Friday I don't return to work until Jan 2nd, but I'll take it piece by piece. So stay tuned!
Chapter 1 - Prologue & Dawn

The game starts off with a cinematic of Dr. Catherine Halsey in custody, answering questions and being accused of war crimes by taking children and putting them into the Spartan program. The camera shows us the interrogation, as well as various scenes of labs, children being augmented, and Spartans in action. Halsey defends herself by saying that if it wasn't for her work, the Spartans would have never been and humanity would have been extinguished by the Covenant. She then sees through the yellow tape and says that the UNSC is trying to replace the Chief. The interrogator says that he's dead so it's none of her concern, but Halsey immediately responds saying that his file specifically reads M.I.A. - she goes on to say do not underestimate the Spartans, and most importantly, do not underestimate *him*

:Challenge: Damn straight skippy

The scene now switches from the questioning of Halsey, to what's still remaining of the Forward Unto Dawn, the frigate in which the Cortana and the Chief have been adrift on ever since the ending events of Halo 3. Cortana appears on top of a small console and is acting franticly. She then initiates a sequence to thaw the Chief out.

Wake up Chief...I need you...





The thawing process beings, and the Master Chief's vitals begin to come back online as he begins to regain consciousness. The Chief slams against the glass as he comes to his senses, and Cortana asks if he can hear her.

:No: Why did you wake me...? (Seriously, I was having a kick ass dream)


Good, you're awake! Just like old times. Ready to get back to work? There's a boarding party and they'll be all over us any minute.

What else is new....alright, time to get this show on the road.

The Chief picks up Cortana and uploads her into his Mark IV armor. As the Chief proceeds, Cortana begins to fill him in that four years have passed since he had entered into the cryo chamber. Then, suddenly, a giant orange/yellow-ish glow overtakes the room.


Cortana...I'm the Master mother f'n Chief. I don't care about some silly little orange laser, all it's going to do is let whoever is scanning us know that I'm coming to put a boot up their ass right before I actually put my boot up their ass, and that there's nothing they can do about it. k thx bye.

Chief & Cortana proceed through the ship and reach an elevator door.

:Peeking:CHIEF...... I'd be careful if I were you...


*The door opens, a giant metal crate smacks the Chief in the face, and he gets sucked into the elevator shaft.

Because the ship is torn in half, so things like life support and gravity control are non-existent in some areas. Problem?

The Chief battles through the high speed cosmic winds and proceeds to the top of the elevator shaft. Upon climbing out, he is greeted by an elite in full active camo and an energy sword!






*Chief punches elite in the face and then throws him down the elevator shaft*

LOLOLOLOL! But yeah I totally still got it.

The Chief asks Cortana why an elite attacked because humanity had a truce with the Covenant. Cortana responds and says that a lot can happen in four years, but maybe it's a rouge or splinter group. The Chief proceeds onto the bridge and disposes of another elite, along with a handful of grunts....

With exploding heads and fireworks from the grunt birthday party skull being active...


Cortana then asks the Chief to open up the blast doors so that we can see what we're up against...upon doing so, however, there is an armada of Covenant capital ships!


A few Phantoms dock and the Chief quickly disposes of them. He proceeds through the ship and encounters even more Covenant resistance, handling them as he goes. Eventually, he reaches an airlock and Cortana starts to freak out. The Chief's HUD in his helmet starts glitching, flashing in pink & purple, and Cortana's voice is raised and slurred.

Umm...are you alright? Like you just totally spazzed out there


I'm fine it's nothing! Really! Just focus on getting us out of here!

The Chief exits the airlock only to see that they are now caught in the orbit of a Forerunner planet! Focusing on the task at hand, the Chief takes care of the remaining Covies and proceeds to open the airlock to the escape pods. Upon doing this, the same scanner from before scans the Chief from head to toe and back again...

Alright! Enough of the giant yellow laser beam in my eyes. Unelss you're some hot chick checkin' me out, someone's 'bout to get their ass kicked! Boots to Asses!

The metal casing around the planet opens, releasing a gravity well that is trying to pull everything into the planet! Cortana advises the Chief to double time it to the escape pods so that they aren't caught in it and don't burn up in the atmosphere! The Chief hurries, and inside, sees a group of grunts that are racing fanatically to the escape pods.

Then the ground below them caves in and they get tossed around the room like ragdolls.


The Chief finally reaches the escape pods, but once he opens the door, the escape pods can be seen being ripped apart as if a tornado was wreaking havoc through the ship! The Chief gets sucked into the gravity well and is space jettisoned! Oh noes! He's going to get burned up in the atmosphere! How is he going to escape this???

I'm the Master Chief, I can't die! Heck, I've already signed on through Halo 6 so lol on you

He gets smacked in the face from a piece of debris, the screen goes black, and then it says HALO 4 in big, bold blue letters.

End of Chapter 1
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