Halo 4

thats cool I am not a big fps guy but Ilove being able to co-op traditional campaigns. I wish blak ops had a co-op campaign
Yeah Halo campaigns have always been great for co-op. One disadvantage though, which was the same case with Reach, is that there can be huge FPS slowdowns from it having to render two different areas of the map at the same time, despite the reduced resolution. It happens even more often when doing online. There's one particular map - I don't remember the names yet - where it's spectacularly bad (large map with Ghosts, lots of orange ground and white buildings).
So far I've only played the multiplayer and I'm impressed actually. As mentioned before, they sort of adopted the Call of Duty build a class system in which you have up to five slots to create different custom loadouts. You can choose from a variety of different weapons and side arms, grenades, but no power weapons (i.e. sniper rifle, shotgun, etc.) You can also choose certain equipment (basically perks) that can aid you...these include things like active camo, the ability to carry two primary weapons, a shield that you can bring up (think CoD riot shield), a health regen drop, and much more.

When you start out, just like CoD, you can only use basic items. However, the difference here is that each time you rank up you earn a Spartan point instead of unlocking different items at different ranks. Spartan points are more or less in game currency that can be redeemed to unlock new weapons/abilities (the better the upgrade, the more Spartan points; from what I've seen, nothing costs more than 3 points, while most are 1 or 2.

The game also lets you completely customize your armor. Everything, from the helmet, torso, arms, legs, color scheme, emblems, you name it. As you level up or complete certain in-game tasks (think challenges from CoD; i.e. 25 headshots, 50 assassinations, etc.) you will unlock new armor sets.

Gameplay is pretty smooth and as balanced as ever. Remember how annoying it was when people would just sit and camp the power weapon spawns the entire match? Well sticking with the CoD theme, they've adopted a "kinda-sorta" kill streak system to even out the playing field. A few times throughout the match, you will randomly see a small cube with a circle around it appear in the lower left hand corner of your screen. Each time you earn a kill, part of the ring begins to light up and after three it will be full. At this time, you are awarded an ordinance drop. It's almost like a care package, only instead of one random item you get to choose from three.

They will give you a choice between two weapons and a power up. The weapons can range between anything from snipers, to shotguns, to grenade launchers, fuel rod cannons, extra grenades you name it, though there is no guarantee which ones the game will give you. The other choice is a power up, which can be either an overshield, damage increase, or speed increase; again, the game gives you one of the three at random that you can choose from, along with two random weapons or grenades.

The only downside of the multiplayer at this point is the fact that there are still a lot of heavy campers. Most people are starting to have the map layouts down, but some are still afraid to get their feet wet and just sit and hide. I imagine it will get better over time, but it's a minor blemish on an otherwise good overall experience.

I haven't tried the SP yet, but I'll probably try and run through it solo on legend before attempting co-op; one because I like the challenge, two because I don't want some random person ruining the story for me, skipping cutscenes, etc. I'll talk about that a little more at a later date if anyone is interested at the time.
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Great synopsis Edge. I am really leaning toward picking this up. Not sure if I am going to waste my money on another CoD game.

It's not bad. If you've played Halo games in the past then you know what to expect, but if not it's going to require a learning curve.

I also forgot to mention Spartan Ops. Not to keep barking up the CoD tree, but I can't help it when then entire MP layout is sort of ripped off of it. It's more or less the same thing as Spec Ops, only it allows up to four players rather than two. Each week 343 is releasing a new episode to play, complete with a cutscene and a little bit of a story (in the beginning; not so much during gameplay or in-between chapters).

Each episode contains five chapters, and again, as mentioned, they are releasing a new episode each week; for how long, I'm not sure, but at some point tonight when I need a break from Black Ops I might check out the newly released episode 2.
It's not bad. If you've played Halo games in the past then you know what to expect, but if not it's going to require a learning curve.

I never really got into Halo MP. Played it a few times but that is it. Being a CoD player I was intrigued by the addition of CoD elements into the awesome Halo universe. Maybe I should rent it first....
[/FONT][/COLOR]I never really got into Halo MP. Played it a few times but that is it. Being a CoD player I was intrigued by the addition of CoD elements into the awesome Halo universe. Maybe I should rent it first....

You're probably better off that way if you aren't into Halo MP. The core of it is the same, it's just the added things like challenges, ordinance drops, create a class, etc that are a knock of CoD. It's good, but it's a different type of shooter than CoD.
I suck at cod but somehow I did ok at halo mp....at least for reach. Haven't tried halo 4 mp but I'm going to give it a whirl.
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