GTA4 for PC: Will it happen?

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the fans starting to make funny noises when it hits 79-80 degrees C. As far as performance, i can still run every game maxed out 1900x1200 except crysis, oblivion (fully modded), Age of Conan beta, and neverwinter nights 2 gives me trouble in certain spots. i can run 3 of those 4 at 1680x1050. crysis just doesnt count XD.

after playing the AoC beta i've convinced myself im not happy with it anymore. great card but it's gettin old. just a shame there's nothing worth upgrading to lol. If I wan't to SLI 9800gtx's i gotta buy a new mobo too ;p and im still not fond of the SLi idea. but july is so far away and id bet 20$ that the 9900's will be delayed till fall or later.
sli ultra's??!?!?!?!! haha. you can probably still fetch a good amount somewhere for an ultra.

and i bet the 9900 series is gonna blow and you'll be hopping on the 4870 train.
no way id SLI ultras haha. i dont like the heat this thing puts off. my rooms gonna be a sauna in summer.

hey if the 4870 is a single card that can blow the ultra away ill buy it in a heartbeat. As long as the drivers arent trash. XD

whats even better is i already got a good x38 mobo so crossfire ftw.

i bet I can still sell it off for 400ish if im persistant. not too worried. still works like a charm. only been off the mobo twice XD
XD that'd be nice. i just hope the cards come out on time. delays make me dizzy. but i guess id rather have it working and late over not workign and early ><
Assassin's creed got boring after the 2nd mission...
I only kept playing to see the end of the story...


But on a plus note, I did some REALLY sweet assassinations..
If you can try and set this up.
On any one of the early levels, grab the attention of your target and have his guards + him follow you. Run into a wall to run up it and jump in the air, now QUICKLY tap the assassination key, you should be able to perform a really ninja assassination move :)

It's hard to explain, but I'm sure you can picture it. It was my only cool part in the game.
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