Google to remove the "Beta" tag finally

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Call me Mak or K, Mod Emeritus
The coveted Beta Tag that resides on the majority of Google Apps such as Gmail is finally being removed. Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs and Google Talk — both enterprise and consumer versions — are now out of beta.

There has been so many questions asked as to why such things like GMail have contained the Beta tag for so long. Gmail itself has been around for more than 5 years. Yet it seemed to retain this tag as to say that the service would never be a "final" product in Google's eyes.

As reported on the Company Blog yesterday:

We've come to appreciate that the beta tag just doesn't fit for large enterprises that aren't keen to run their business on software that sounds like it's still in the trial phase. So we've focused our efforts on reaching our high bar for taking products out of beta, and all the applications in the Apps suite have now met that mark.

That is just one of the many interesting things that they have had to say about the removal of the tags. Personally i am glad to see it go. I have been wondering why they have had the tag on there when GMail is more widely used than such things as Yahoo or even Hotmail now.

They say they have more apps that will get the tag removed in due time and that they will continue to innovate and improve the services which have now gotten the tag removed.

I am glad to see it go. It will not be something i miss that is for sure.
Re: Google to remove teh "Beta" tag finally

There was a beta tag?

I guess I've been using GMail for so long, that I just got used to it. :laughing:
Re: Google to remove teh "Beta" tag finally

Yes. It was small and down under the larger GMail image. But it was there. ;)
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