Genie Game

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granted, but now he moves onto a much great king taco and gets free delicious sopes for life for being so awesome!!!

i wish peter court got aids from magic johnson...
granted but he marries magic johnson and takes over the 3dmark record making nos very jealous.

i wish nos could spell correctly.
granted, but since nobody but nos know's what's written there, it turns out that nothing happens.

i wish nos has a fun halloween techno rave party.
pffttt i don't need a genie for that, i've already got two of em to go to

granted, but he catches aids from a random person with a needle and dies a horrible death and leaves peter.cort with his debt in his will

i wish they still made game genie, only for ps3.. haha
i already said that one....

granted, but it only comes at the cost of you dying in a fire

i wish jack johnson would play in california again
granted, but i also get whatever hardware you've got going at the time.

i wish for world peace.

granted,but thats all ready been wished for and it back fires on you and turns into the 3rd world war with weapons of mass destrution and biologicall war fare and germ war fare

i wish i didnt have to go to work today
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