Former Game Hunters

No. See my earlier message about wanting to play solo. There were four guys from GH that I mentioned earlier, a few guys from SOG, and the rest were people on my list from Amazon. I never play with the people from AMA so I guess they dont really count.
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Yeah, I saw a lot of peeps on Borderlands 2 last night... I like the way they laid that out. They even tell you whether you'd be a good fit for who is playing. I'm assuming that's based on level.

I started with Zer0, but I think I may "reroll". So far all I can do with him is snipe, then run around while being chased, start the decoy, shoot off a few rounds, then run around until my decoy recharges. It's not the most awesomest thing ever, but I'm loving the game.
Yeah I think I am gonna either use the soldier or assaisin for my new toon I really just dont have a strog desire to gunzerk. Is the soldiers power a flying turret? also does Zeros duplicate fight or does it just stand there
Sorry about the delay on the 1337 thing.

Quick history lesson - going back to the day (20-25 years ago now, before the Internet as we know it), there were NPD or "elite" BBSes that had cracked software, .exe files, etc. for download. Usually, you had to know someone or be introduced to the sysop (the BBS operator, what we typically call an admin now) before you could gain access to reduce the risk of prosecution / litigation, etc.

A lot of BBSes like this focused on hacking - trading passwords and logins, instructional files, etc. The more hackish BBSes could develop a membership which substituted numbers, characters and so forth for letters, as well as mutating words - think of it kinda like a variant of Pig Latin. Thus, elite became 1337 on such boards - 1 = L, 3 = E and 7 = T. That's why you guys @ for A, why you use $ for S (although 5 is also acceptable), etc. Typically, it focused on how words were pronounced, not their spelling, so you get things like 1337-5p33k. Numbers and letters could be assumed to flip, international characters could be brought in, characters could be assembled from slashes and pipes and other punctuation marks - basically, it was a language based in English that more closely resembled a mashup of Cyrillic, Scandinavian languages, German and what often looked to the uninitiated like computer code.

Now, I'm sure Wikipedia has an entry on 1337-5p33k (aka leet speak), and this is a tech forum so you'll likely find people who have different opinions about it, but this is how I saw it come to pass. And, at the time, it often seemed to be script kiddies who used it most. I'm sure Wikipedia has an entry on script kiddies too ;)
No. See my earlier message about wanting to play solo. There were four guys from GH that I mentioned earlier, a few guys from SOG, and the rest were people on my list from Amazon. I never play with the people from AMA so I guess they dont really count.

I'm kinda with Regg on this one. I don't mind hopping in and helping someone out, but most of us are around the same level. I don't worry about the folks in this crew ninjaing, but I'd rather wait to do co-op until I've finished it, gotten a pretty decent selection of loot, etc. and weapons become nice-to-haves, not need-to-haves, y'know?
I'm kinda with Regg on this one. I don't mind hopping in and helping someone out, but most of us are around the same level. I don't worry about the folks in this crew ninjaing, but I'd rather wait to do co-op until I've finished it, gotten a pretty decent selection of loot, etc. and weapons become nice-to-haves, not need-to-haves, y'know?

I hear you, its fun to play with friends... but sometimes i want to take my time and just look around... Snake does this as well so its not too bad when he is along, except for the poor gaming skills he has and the lame jokes....

So I may just start another toon to play by myself so i can enjoy every joke and stroll through pandora at a leisurely pace
Oh i agree I want a solo go through also but i want a co-op one to snce i never really did the co-op with the first one accept for the one off mission here and there
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