Crappiest Job You've Ever Had

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Elbatrop1 said:
Crushing oil filters.

Trucks would bring barrels full of used oil filters. I would take them out of the barrel, put them into the crusher based on their size. Then once crushed, take them out of the crusher and throw them into a garbage bin.

Since they were used filters, you would get oil all over yourself. I had chest wader type things on but I would still have to come home and scrub my entire body with a nail brush to get all the oil out of my skin.

That lasted for a summer while I was in college.

I worked at Volkswagen for a couple of weeks, fixing cars. They had this industrial soap which was very good. Using that you can get rid of the oil in 5 seconds.
TonCrafter said:
Dishwasher at a cracker barrel when I was 18.........for ONE day. Horrible, horrible job. Worst part was being trained by some guy who didnt speak a word of english. thank you.

On the plus side, there was a HOT waitress there that I hooked up with. SCORE!! :D

All in one day? Wow...
TheMajor said:
I worked at Volkswagen for a couple of weeks, fixing cars. They had this industrial soap which was very good. Using that you can get rid of the oil in 5 seconds.

Ya, we have similar stuff too. Luckily I have left there and work somewhere completely different now that I am done college and actually working in a field related to what I took.
schulz269 said:
i work at a newspaper place...
I know you're pain. Working for any publication sux. I had the same thing happen to me 10 years ago with the publication that I working with my family and god farther.

Nemesis1331 said:
Painting Garden Gnomes

I would go postal doing that job too

Funny thing happen to me on the week end. I was speaking to an old school mate of mine. I have not seen him in years.

Anyways, where is he working now.... he's working in the same store and same position as Wade Frankum, The Strathfield Mall Massacre Gun man.
It's a bit of a staff joke around the office. However his comments where "The way that you get treated there, it's no wonder why you go postal"
washing powder gets rid of oil dang quick. i haven't ever had a real job but between me and a friend we fixed another friends xbox which had been cockroach infested and well.....lets just say we're good friends. my mate worked at a place called chicken treat and some guy came in stoned off his face from sniffing paint and crapped all over the toilet floor.....guess who had to clean it up :p poor guy
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