Crappiest Job You've Ever Had

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Daemon Poster
Post the crappiest job you've ever had in your whole life. Not the one or two really dirty ones, I'm talking that ONE job which sucked a whole lot.

Me? I was a dishwasher at a restaurant called Shopsy's for 5 months, oh man the things they made me do. Scour ovens, clean toilets, empty greasetrap collectors.


Only reason I got the job was the finance the computer you see in my sig :D
Lol, when my local K-mart closed a few years ago, they paid me to stand outside for like 6 hours holding a close out sign. Take in mind that I live in alaska and we have anti-billboard laws that store billboards are illegal in public unless there is someone there standing beside them... yeah weird I The other downside about this is that (like I said I live in Alaska).. they had to close in the middle of december...I couldnt feel my fingers or toes by the end of my ... I ****ing hate k-mart .... at least they paid $10 an hour.

....This is how I earned my first computer
Dishwasher at a cracker barrel when I was 18.........for ONE day. Horrible, horrible job. Worst part was being trained by some guy who didnt speak a word of english. thank you.

On the plus side, there was a HOT waitress there that I hooked up with. SCORE!! :D
when I was in 7th grade (probably 12 or 13) I worked with a friend at an ELK's club... Similar to a VFW hall... it had a large hall, and in another part of the building a bar. There was also a bar in the rental hall, but it was just for the hall, a small hole cut in the wall like a window.

Anyways, job was to set up tables and chairs for different events. They used to do bingo like 2 nights a week, and the hall would be rented out weekends. it was VERY part time... only like 2 or 3 days a week at first... it would take anywhere from 3 - 4 hours when we had first started. After a year, we were able to get it done faster (we just wanted to leave faster, didn't think about draggin our feet to get more time). Then they changed Bingo to only twice a month.... that KILLED our paychecks... we were getting $5 an hour, and for like 1-2 hours a week, it just wasn't worth it.... We never quit, but we were never fired either. They just stopped calling us... Shortly after that, I got a job at a local butcher shop a month after I turned 15. I started out making $5.50 / hour. This June, I will have been there for 8 years, and I now get just under $12 / hour, and work there one day a week. That isn't a crappy job though.. just dirty.

This june will also be the 3rd year I have been at my full time job at the telephone company.
I worked at a McDonald's for a little over a year. It was an awful job, I hated almost everything about it. The food was disgusting, management was absolutely incompetent, customers were generally pretty rude, and the pay suxored majorly. But it was either this or not work at all (I was 15, no one hires 15 yr olds) and make no money, so I put up with it until I saved up the money that I wanted and was hired for a much better job at an electronics store.
working at the fire department scrubbing toilets, cleaning ovens, cutting hedges...........oh wait, that was community service not a job :p

That crap sucked worse than anything though.

Those people automatically assume you're just a hardcore delinquent to society.
Another Yarn From Harper

I would have to say it was my second IT Job.
It was a small company providing tech support for a Point Of Sales System.
It's lasted 3 months.
The first 1 month was okay. I did noticed that the boss did have a short fuse. However when the other guy left, then all the presure came down on me.
2nd Month, the boss was directly a lot of heat on me. However I was able to keep the clients happy on the rather big jobs, and that was okay. And at the end of the month, I managed to complete a rather large job was took about 12 months to finalise.
3rd Month, I F**Ked up big time at a clients place. It did not help maters that I was on a train coming back from a rather big installation job. I was fategued. So the boss calls me and he notices that by the time my train gets in at the station, I still had about 90 minutes before I normally go home. So my boss presures me to get this one small job out of the way. And I screw up by accidently corrupting the data.
However I did not know this until the following week.
The client owns about 6 other business. And he's rather rich. So taking us to court is like pocket change to him.
So I had to restore the clients data. However, this just caused another string of errors. And a lot of these errors where out side of my control.
So one saturday night when I was telling the boss on what needs to be done to restore the data (about 4 days worth of data entry)...
Firstly, we took me over to one client's place just for a quick fix job. During this job, he was just constantly overing over my back, and quietly snapping at me about the slightest error. (It's a little hard to type when your hands are shaking)
And then back to the office where it was a shouting match about the orginal client where the data was corrupt. And then these finished off with this :-
"Excuse me! I am running late to have dinner with my wife. You F**K this job up, and I will put a contract out on your head"
2 weeks later, i am handing in my resignation letter.

And then he's begging to come back with all sorts of lines.
ME :- You told me 'You F**K this job up, and I will put a contract out on your head'
BOSS :- But I was angry at the time. I did not really mean that.
ME :- Bull ****. How do I know that you don't know people. (Hitmen, Paid Thugs, Contract Killers)
BOSS :- But I would not hurt a fly. I don't know those sorts of people.
ME :- One thing you just forgot. Firstly you are talking with some one that did have a family member that was gunned down in their own house hold by some one that was issuing death thread.
Secondly, some thing you don't know. I actually do know people that ventilate houses. So I take any death threat seriously.
BOSS :- You're joking that know people
ME :- (Looks him directly in the eye) No. I do know people.
BOSS :- (Turns white)

For the next 2 months after I quite, he was bugging me about clients and unfinished. Thankfully he did pay me on those jobs.

However that job was the worst 3 months of my life. I do remember at one stage ringing up my previous employeer asking for my old job back.

jorsoft03 said:
(I was 15, no one hires 15 yr olds)
There are 2 age brackets that I hate.

14 to 16 - The paper run does not make you enough money to make it work while.
And there is only so much money that your parents are going to give you for house chores.
And you're legally too young to hire for most counter jobs.

20 to 24 - You are too old / too expirenced to hire for most entry level positions. And you are too expirenced for just about every thing else.

Jam3s-Zer0 said:
I used to have that job. It was great for the first few years when I was in primary school / high school.

But for some stupid reason, my father was just not letting me quit that job when I was making more money for less work mowing lawns in my street. :rolleyes:
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