Counter Strike Source, 5 Years On

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I haven't played css in about a year now. I just didn't lke the whole idea of dying once then having to wait until a new game to come back in. Also I didn't like that you had to apply so many patches just to play it now since it has been around for so long.

Why is it that games like this remain so popular for so long? while games like crysis wars which hasn't even been out for a year and no one is talking about.

Very good question. I can barely find rooms that are decent in Crysis Wars yet it's one of the best FPS MP games I have ever played.
Simple, it's not realistic, and it's not hard.

Games where you can get shot 100times never do well unless they are on the console.

Top online shooters, CSS - realistic, Insurgency - very realistic, BF2 - realistic, CoD4 - realistic, CoD WaW - Realistic. Notice the pattern ??
Simple, it's not realistic, and it's not hard.

Games where you can get shot 100times never do well unless they are on the console.

Top online shooters, CSS - realistic, Insurgency - very realistic, BF2 - realistic, CoD4 - realistic, CoD WaW - Realistic. Notice the pattern ??

Well I once wrote a whole essay on why CoD4s hardcore mode was the devil and totally "noobified" the game, but ill just go with your point, essentially I agree with what your saying. People have left the once popular fast paced execution death match games ( Quake, UT, etc ) and opted for the more realistic slower tactical based games ( CS, COD ).

However I think the main reason why these games are popular have less to do with realism or the tactics involved, and more to do with these games being accessible to the casual gamer ( the whole theory on why Wii is doing so well ). If the game requires less hits to get a kill and doesn't allow any fancy footwork ( that UT and Quake allows to dodge incoming fire ) that means a casual player is more likely kill an experienced player if they catch him off guard, and casual gamers like getting kills. Of course games like CS and COD4 can still allow high level players to mop the floor with casual players, enabling hardcore mode in COD4 and you will suddenly see everyone being forced to turtle and camp and the playing field leveled a lot more.

Oh and also Crysis probably didn't do well because its multiplayer still plays like its in beta stages ( netcode is TERRIBLE ) and most peoples systems still can't run it or at least they have the impression it can't.
I tried playing on a team of pick ups, like in a public server....against my sons CCS team......I could hardly get around any corner without getting my head blowed off.......flash bangs and smoke come flying from over top of buildings....I was so out matched it was not even funny.
I tried playing on a team of pick ups, like in a public server....against my sons CCS team......I could hardly get around any corner without getting my head blowed off.......flash bangs and smoke come flying from over top of buildings....I was so out matched it was not even funny.

Thats because your an old timer ;) CS has the trick that you need to know the maps really well so that you can flash bang over walls. I use to go to school with a guy who was in one of the top 20 CS1.6 teams he would headshot snipe through a wall just from recognising the sound of you running the other side. He used to play 6 of us against him and he was only allowed a pistol + accesories e.g. grenades we would win perhaps 1 round in 10.
Thats because your an old timer ;) CS has the trick that you need to know the maps really well so that you can flash bang over walls. I use to go to school with a guy who was in one of the top 20 CS1.6 teams he would headshot snipe through a wall just from recognising the sound of you running the other side. He used to play 6 of us against him and he was only allowed a pistol + accesories e.g. grenades we would win perhaps 1 round in 10.

No offense, but you guys must have been pretty terrible at CS :p I remember when I used to win 5 vs 1s against my dorm mates, but all of them were terrible and didn't know how to aim, nor group up properly, and I could just keep running back and take them out 1 by 1 with the m4.

I had a clan that got to cal-m, but my friend Cake from Texas actually made it to cal-i and faced the top clan in the world at the time, SK ( where they lost horribly ) although in the match he took out SK Heat a few times 1 on 1 ( SK Heat is one of the best rifle sprayers in the world ). I took out my friend Cake a few times when we scrimmed, so I guess I can assume I took out SK Heat a few times too ;)
Thats because your an old timer ;) CS has the trick that you need to know the maps really well so that you can flash bang over walls. I use to go to school with a guy who was in one of the top 20 CS1.6 teams he would headshot snipe through a wall just from recognising the sound of you running the other side. He used to play 6 of us against him and he was only allowed a pistol + accesories e.g. grenades we would win perhaps 1 round in 10.

yep that sounds just like my son....thru walls.....they just shoot at a certain place on the map....because they know someone will be heading there shortly, they know just where to put that cross hair for a head shot, without even seeing is just plain crazy.
No offense, but you guys must have been pretty terrible at CS :p I remember when I used to win 5 vs 1s against my dorm mates, but all of them were terrible and didn't know how to aim, nor group up properly, and I could just keep running back and take them out 1 by 1 with the m4.

I had a clan that got to cal-m, but my friend Cake from Texas actually made it to cal-i and faced the top clan in the world at the time, SK ( where they lost horribly ) although in the match he took out SK Heat a few times 1 on 1 ( SK Heat is one of the best rifle sprayers in the world ). I took out my friend Cake a few times when we scrimmed, so I guess I can assume I took out SK Heat a few times too ;)

I won't deny that I am bad...but I have played about 5 hours ever in son has played virtually everyday since it came am not gonna shot him very often.
I won't deny that I am bad...but I have played about 5 hours ever in son has played virtually everyday since it came am not gonna shot him very often.

No I wasn't saying you were bad, my comment was directed toward saltynay and his school mates for failing to win a 6 on 1 :p

I commend you though, I can't even fathom the enjoyment I would have recieved if my dad participated in playing games with me when I was a kid, however hes from an older generation, so I can't blaim him.
When your in a school of 550 with 300 of them having the exact same copy (the magic of the internet and a lan network) of Cs 1.6 on the comp you got a fair range of ability. I was one of the better ones and when drunk my abilities seemed to improve amazingly.
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