Counter Strike Source, 5 Years On

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source has better graphics and more physics than the original 1.6. The visual difference is enormous as well as the fighting mechanics, such as recoil, cross hairs and what not.

True, but with source you get annoyingly many headshots. At least from my experience. 1.6 not so much which I prefer. Both are still great though but 1.6>source gameplay wise imo.
True, but with source you get annoyingly many headshots. At least from my experience. 1.6 not so much which I prefer. Both are still great though but 1.6>source gameplay wise imo.

for those that don't know ( you do ), CS Source never picked up like 1.6 competitively to the same level because its always been debated by the professionals and many others that the Source engine never calculated Headshots as accurately as the GoldSrc engine. I must admit it is rather easy to get a headshot at times...also theres a lot of cl_update tricks you can do with the source engine. I think its much better suited for games like TF2 where headshots matter far less.
I played this a little last night. A lot of the levels have "sweet spots" where people just sit and shoot from. Same spot every time, over and over. Doesn't seem fun imo if you find people in the same spot all the time. It's basically a race to some spot on the map.
This is truely a team game....and if you can watch a team play that has been together for awhile....then it is a thing of beauty to watch....believe it or not ....the stategies can differ greatly, and just when you think the terrorist can not win on a certain will find a team that has the ansewer.
This is truely a team game....and if you can watch a team play that has been together for awhile....then it is a thing of beauty to watch....believe it or not ....the stategies can differ greatly, and just when you think the terrorist can not win on a certain will find a team that has the ansewer.


For example, on the cs_office map - T's can rush to stop CT's getting in, they can hide at hostages, they can gather at both choke points entering T zone/hostages, they can quickly all run through garage and flank CT. Or (what usually happens on large public servers) a mixture of all of those occur at once.

But yes, watching a Clan/team that has been playing a long time is amazing.
I gave my son my 9800GTX for Christmas, so he could play some new stuff.....he played FarCry 2 for about 30 minutes......then right back to his usual....Counter Srtike Source....Left 4 Dead....Warcraft 3....Diablo 2.....I believe the video card is wondering if it will ever have to kick into high gear :p

There are times when we will play UT3 on our home lan together....other than that, the card never gets a good work out!

Same with me.

I'm currently playing Operation Flashpoint, Insurgency, and CSS :p It's impossible to beat the classics.
Don't worry, that's where we all start.
Try to get good on Dust 2 and Office maps first, as they are the most popular.
Burst fire is key with AK47 and M4A1, Ak47 can burst up to 3 accurately, M4a1 maybe 4 or 5.
Pull down on your mouse slightly after the 2nd ak47 shot, u will find urself killing more.
There the basics to succeed :)

I always find leaving it on full auto then tapping so you get 1 shot out at a time and if you get trapped on your last mag just spray so they retreat slightly and run with the pistol the opposite way backwards so that you can shoot at any movement and duck and cover.
another thing i love about this and hasnt been mentioend is if its 4 on 1 you can come back and win, the beauty of it. it takes skill but is done often. in my prime i was doing very well but havent played in ages now, wouldnt do so good. COD4 is still my game, and where im good.
I haven't played css in about a year now. I just didn't lke the whole idea of dying once then having to wait until a new game to come back in. Also I didn't like that you had to apply so many patches just to play it now since it has been around for so long.

Why is it that games like this remain so popular for so long? while games like crysis wars which hasn't even been out for a year and no one is talking about.
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