Clan Recruitment

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We played ya'll a few times then. You were really good at one point, but then ya'll kinda stopped caring or something and drifted away.
Life got in the way and the game wasn't as fun anymore (clan troubles). I play maybe once a month nowadays.
That sucks. I always hate to see good teams drop out of the leagues. There isn't many left around anymore (at least not for TWL).
Yeah. Some people develop these huge egos and want to be the big dogs. I've seen three splits so far in the clan, each time it was started by someone who came in. Each of these guys were great people, charismatic and a lot of fun, but they decided they wanted to try to start their own clan and to try to take as many as would follow them. Each time I lost some good friends.

As for COD4, the next one came out and that was that. The new one has zombies in it and a lot of the guys love it for that. A few have started playing BF2 in the Swiss Fun League, as we have several EU/UK players on board.
I play quite a bit, few hours daily. Doin work on my clan's website right now.

Shan you will have to PM me vent info.
I gave up with clanning, it's fun but you always seem to end up with gay leaders who want you all to themselves.
Just to let you guys know, =HOG= just started a ranked COD WAW server with streaming PB. It's running in hardcore TDM mode and we are trying to get the word out and get it populated. Usually have a few of us on every night.

Would love for anyone interested to stop by and play...

Maps in Rotation
I might be interested in joining an American-based Cod WaW clan if I can be convinced it has a lot of active members in that division. I kinda have a clan right now, but it is kinda very inactive. There are a few people in the cod4 section, so I kinda just might play around with them for fun sometimes if I do join someone's clan. If you're interested in me, my xfire is xxdruidxx, and my email is xxxdruid (@) gmail (.) com.
I think I've seen you guys before. I might have considered joining you, but your cod5 division isn't that active.
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