Can anyone remember.....?

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Daemon Poster
I'm trying to remember the name of a Playstation 1 game my friend had a copy of a long time ago. We both cannot remember the name and I was wondering if anyone could help me.

I cannot remember much details about it except its a Playstation game and you had to race using either a bike, rollerblade or street luge. I believe it was two player too. If anyone can help me find out the name then you are a legend.
Yes you are ;)
Now i need to either ebay it or find a shop that sells it. Lol. Could be hard to find ;(

No roms for it tho so I can't test it to make sure it is the right game. *If anyone finds a rom for it please PM me*
i'll see if i can help you locate it. i'm at work now so most gaming sites are blocked :( but i'll check it out later on.
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