Archaic Japanese

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I followed the instructions on that site EXACTLY and they don't work for me. It says that I need a file called "cplexe.exe". I don't have any Idea where to find this file.....
I've never gotten such an error before so I don't know what to tell ya =/

Mine always just asked me to pop in the windows CD so it could download the fonts.

To pick up hot jap chicks...
Psht, a lot of the younger japanese girls are all about the latest trends and slang and crap. Coming up with archaic japanese probably wouldn't get you anywhere. You might gain respect from the grandparents though :p
Nubius said:

Chankama - learning something new eh? :D

It's the only japanese that little gaki knows so he uses it on me quite often...........MUAHAHAHAHAH

And here, so you dont have to look:

loll.. "as punishment for their mortal vices, have been cursed with an insatiable hunger for a particular substance or object. Traditionally, this is something repugnant or humiliating, such as human corpses or feces,"..

Disturbing man. hahahahha.. ARE YOU CALLING GAARA A FECES EATER??! :p..
of course dude, surely you didn't think I meant this one

In the modern Japanese language, the word gaki is often used to mean spoilt child, or brat.

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