Annoying someone over the internet is now a crime

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bradybnmci said:
Im sorry your family was "ruined" by GWB.

The only people he is "spying" on are terrorists or believed to have terrorist connections. I would rather he "spy" on them and potentially be safer b/c of it, than him doing nothing at all.

They are spying on more than terrorists. This has been proven.
I have nothing to hide. Ok, so I do, but ah well.

Yay, another "I hate GWB thread because..." thread. Gotta love 'em.
GWB doesn't

(for those who can't put this together, it's a parody of kanye west saying "GWB doesnt care about black people")
[mike meyers]*What the **** have you been smoking*[/mike meyers]

That was the look he gave him.
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