am i dieing?

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This is probably asmtha. It fits the description, and can be misdiagnosed or missed. It isn't anything serious. So I would not worry. Get tested specifically for it later- and if positive, you will need to use an inhaler during these attacks.

Another problem may be allergies. I am allergic to bees, and whenever I get stung, my throat tends to swell up. This situation, however, is a life/death situation. But, I don't think it is near as likely. You would have to be introduced to the variable that causes your conditions everytime you get the pain.

Smoking, of any kind could cause potential lung damage. It will cause pain in your stomach, and give you troubles to breath.

There are hundreds of diagnoses you could be- so I would definately go to a doctor, and start with Asthma, and remember to tell them every detail. If it is troubling you to a very huge extent, don't take the "I don't know" for an answer, because it is their job to help you and make you feel better. And you shouldn't be paying hundreds of dollars for doctors just to tell you that they have no idea what you have.
norcent, how old are you? When i was younger, I had that exact same problem. The only thing the doctors diagnosed was teenage male "chest wall pain". I guess its a common thing... chest pain for no apparent reason and breathing trouble. I had it pretty often.
Isn't this the same person that had stomach pains because he drank gasoline and swallowed a rock when he was a kid? I thought I told you to go see a doctor?
Outofwords said:
Isn't this the same person that had stomach pains because he drank gasoline and swallowed a rock when he was a kid? I thought I told you to go see a doctor?

yeah actually i doubt u did tell him to go see a doctor, becaue he posted that A WHILE ago and u joined this month. maybe u posted, but that thing was over a while ago. and yeah i think he is. you think that had anything to do with it?
Sounds like asthma, but who knows.

Yea, chest pains do suck....and then there's also those stupid spasms or whatever the heck they are that you get that feel like your heart is skipping a beat...or maybe it is...who knows!
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