7 days only to quit smoking addiction

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MrZucchiniHead said:

every time you post spam god kills a kitten
Naw, he kills the dogs.

Lol, give the guy some credit, he managed to post it in the correct forum for telling us about it, its not in Hardware or something like that. :rolleyes: :p
TheMajor said:
Seppuku, (Sape-puu-kuu) the Japanese formal language term for ritual suicide (Hara-kiri (Har-rah-kee-ree) is the common language term.), was an intregal aspect of feudal Japan (1192-1868). It developed as an intregal part of the code of bushido and the discipline of the samurai warrior class.
mac_mogul said:
Seppuku, (Sape-puu-kuu) the Japanese formal language term for ritual suicide (Hara-kiri (Har-rah-kee-ree) is the common language term.), was an intregal aspect of feudal Japan (1192-1868). It developed as an intregal part of the code of bushido and the discipline of the samurai warrior class.

Does it require a sword?
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