$25 BestBuy Card.... what should I get?

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Kdar said:
So.. Prices from NewEgg will not work? or it will?

Almost never. Why would a retail store agre to sell something that is clearly below their own costs? They won't lose money on a product simply because you show them a page from Newegg. What's in it for them?
I have a $15 gift card. I'd sell it for 8 bucks in cash.

I hate best buy with a passion and I have a lot of family members that work there. The only thing I forsee me getting there is car audio stuff super discounted.

I used this service once a few years ago when I got my 9800Pro, futureshop had it listed for $100 cheaper than best buy which was rather ironic since best buy owns futureshop. Anyways, their sales department was clearly quite annoyed by the pricematch, but they had to do it since it is store policy.

So clarify, they will match any local competitor.
haha wow you cannot price match with an online store... if circuitcity was offering a much lower price then you can price match but newegg and other online stores wont work at all...go ahead and try if you want.

and best buy has no good car audio stuff only decent stuff they have are hu and even then the highly discounted price is more than you can get it online
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