whats a good cd-mixing software?

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Daemon Poster
I want to take lyrics from songs and put them with other songs, whats a good popular software? Could be free I guess
are you wanting to remove vocals? If so, forget it if you want anything resembling good quality.

If you REALLY want to try it, heres how:

The vocals have to be panned direct center for this to work. You take the left channel and the right channel separately at equal levels and invert the phase of the left channel. Then, you reverse the L/R to R/L. This removes anywhere from 0-50% of the vocals and leaves massive amounts of the music missing and sounding terrible. What this does is cancels out the vocals (the ones panned dead center). THAT means that the two soundwaves are complete opposite of each other during a cycle and equal zero, thusly, no sound. Since you are working with left and right separately and only one is inverted, only what is panned center is removed (not only vocals, but whatever the engineer panned dead center.

If you dont understand what I just said, dont attempt.
Crysalis has no idea what he's talking about... 003 would have a better idea, PM him.

I'd recommend downloading instrumentals & acapellas. Take the two and import them into any wav/mp3 editor and do a bit of beat matching and editing and enjoy your creation....
HAVOC said:
Crysalis has no idea what he's talking about... 003 would have a better idea, PM him.

I'd recommend downloading instrumentals & acapellas. Take the two and import them into any wav/mp3 editor and do a bit of beat matching and editing and enjoy your creation....
Right. :p
You obviously don't know what you speak if you +1 switch... He said, "Right" which means he agrees with my quote.

Don't listen to crysalis. Just because he's an "Audio Engineer" doesn't mean he has a clue what he's talking about. He's always telling me to buy "Bose" equipment and make sure that I turn my EQ all the way up on my X-FI sound card. He also said that the "Crystalizer in X-FI was teh leet and will pwnzer anything."...

I don't know man... If you ask me 003 is the guy to ask...

i want some SOFTWARE like, i think it was bundled with my dell a long time ago, it was called "jellybeats" or something, you could put guitars and drums and stuff into songs. i'm not looking to remove lyrics, the song i have has a long period with no lyrics that just repeats.
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