which flowers for a girl friend?

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the off topic discussion threads are bizaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrre....
i might start hanging out in here.
norcent, flowers are good dude. roses are okay if you have been dating or bangin or w/e for awhile. but, mostly if you like her, go to the flower shop and pick put the flowers yourself (like point them out..."i want two of those, three of those, six of these...etc") and make the arrangement.
she will like that. as long as you have any sense of color/style.
other related issues on this thread:
stalking is stalking.
dont call someone your GF if you dont know her last name at least.
about the 30.00 perfume...enjoy things while they are cheap. women get expensive fast.
girls that read, know how to build computers, and play guitar are the bomb.
the best stephen king movies are the recent ones (aired on the scifi channel):
salem's lot (remake of a classic. jesus christ the original movie scared the crap out of me when i was a kid. this one is just terrifying)
the shining (remake of the classic...follows book word for word)
the stand (just a friggin awesome movie and book).
his best book series IMO is the "Dark Tower" series about Roland the gunslinger. some fine writing.
good luck.
Wow, this thread is sorta entertaining...I just went through and read the entire thread in about 10 minutes...had a few good laughs...etc etc... It was very entertaining, indeed.

Watcha buying Christmas presents for already? Christmas isn't for another 3-4 months. Wait till' 3-4 days and then panic. It's much more enjoyable that way.
I am spending $30.00 is that good enough?

dude I spent $36 dollars on a girl just on chocolate alone, so no. Buy her something from the heart, something that you know will make her feel special and loved. Buy her something she's into or something that reminds her of a special time you and her spent together, not something mundane and boring, when it comes to woman romance is key and I mean a type of romance that you DON'T have to force yourself to muster up, it should come naturally to you if you love her and have a good relationship.
thank you guys. I am buying a christmas present just for her so I don't have to do that last minute cause what if I can't find a good present last minute then she will think I hate her. Anyway I didn't want to miss the deal for the movies that was going on. She will be happy like always cause money makes people happy but good spent money makes people happier.
get her a kitten............................................
dude I spent $36 dollars on a girl just on chocolate alone, so no. Buy her something from the heart, something that you know will make her feel special and loved. Buy her something she's into or something that reminds her of a special time you and her spent together, not something mundane and boring, when it comes to woman romance is key and I mean a type of romance that you DON'T have to force yourself to muster up, it should come naturally to you if you love her and have a good relationship.

omfg dude norcent is probably like 14 years old and youre telling him how to like...find a wife or something. or maybe, um woo the chicks at lunch break..? this thread has thouroughly entertained me. thanks!
okay, excuse me granpa norcent! lol jk dude.
here's what i suggest:
for a high school student, getting serious about any girl that you may happen to come across is, well...DUMB. and this is why, macho man randy savage (lol "snap into a slim jim!"):
a) you're going to go to college soon (hopefully). guess what. there are more girls there than you know what to do with. and i can assure you, there will be a better selection than your high school. why go to college with a GF? why even go thru HS with a GF? thats like bringing a sandwich to a buffet.
b) you're 17. you dont know how the world works (i promise). figure that out (or as much as possible lol) before you go dropping on a knee to some chick who just happens to look good.
c) you're 17. you dont need to go knockin some broad up, so that i and the other taxpayers in this country can foot the bill for some baby made by teenage parents that are barely old enough to get a JOB, let alone raise a family.
d) i say if you spend 36 dollars on chocolate for a girl you're a sucker (ive been one myself) unless she's your steady girl or she has your (wedding) ring on her finger and you hers. then you can go all out and be mister romance. i'd rather spend 36 dollars on beer.
e) you'll have more money for beer. and slim jims.
I am not going to college cause I am going to a tech school right now. College is a waste of time and my sister had a boy friend through middle school and high school and their both out of school and getting married next year.

I know just because that worked for my sister don't mean it will work for me but you never know. My Girl friend is going to college or well she thinks she is cause she is only 16 so that could change.
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