Whats the most popular MMO besides WoW?

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KiDrIoT69 said:
So right now im back in SWG, the new system is pretty fun compared to what others say.
Is this with the NCU?

The reason why I gave up on SWG was that I am sick and tired of SOE's lack of support commitment to the game. Sure the game was fun. But what's the point if I am spending every second night waiting 3 hours for the server to reload.
I recommend Guildwars as well. I actually like the PvP. You'll never be fighting people out of your league, you'll always have a chance to win no matter the match. GW PvP, is based on ALOT of strategy and by getting the right races together to make a very powerful team.
I started MMO's with FFXI on my PS2.... I have to say I LOVED the game, but it was really annoying that once you hit like level 10, you COULDN'T SOLO anymore... You HAD to have a party, or you would get OWNED, BAD.... Only one of my friends played it, and his sister did to... Then they changed to WoW, and I gave it a try after a month or two, and I love WoW now.

There are some MAJOR differences to note between FFXI and WoW... First is that FFXI area's seemed to be LARGER, and more to scale.... I remember starting in the mining city (cant remember the name.. something with a B perhaps...) and it LITERALLY TOOK like 20 - 30 minutes of just running to get to that beach area where you can take a boat to the other continent.

I would like to see WoW be expanded to include another few continents, and be able to freely use boats to get between them... like in that one Zelda game for GC... (I have it but hardly play it). I think it was Windwaker.. or somethin...

MMOs are okay, but you can waste so much time on them. I remember when I first got Guild Wars when it came out, and I had been playing it pretty heavily until Christmas last year when I got sick of it. IMO, Guild Wars is one of the best MMOs, mostly because you don't have to pay for it. The graphics in it are better than WoWs too.
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